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Hey crew! I hope you all are having a good Sunday and have had a good weekend. I'm looking into some content planning now, and wanted to include you all on this for some insight and transparency.

I'm currently looking for an editor to edit some anime videos so that A2R+ can be up and running on it's own by November/December. I will also try to find someone who will be up for editing the kdramas into YouTube versions. This is something I can't really afford right now, but I'd like to start trying to get more content out, I feel like it's something that will fulfill me more.

My question to you all again is, while I'll be keeping the YouTube channels separate, what do you guys think of having anime here as well? I know this has been discussed before and anime was going up here too, but I want to be mindful of the possible reactions of people. I'm leaning towards combining them now that I've adjusted pricing for both to mainly sit at $5, I know that there are people here who rock with anime too so I'm wondering what's best. 

Here's what I'm scared of:

  • I don't want to post a schedule for the month and half of it's anime, while the other half is kpop/kdrama content and there be complaints or separation. 1 episode of kdrama is 60-90 min which equals 1 video. 60-90 min of anime is 3-6 episodes = 3-6 videos. Suvival shows would be even longer. For time, this works out better for me and for quantity of videos in a month, but I don't want people to feel as if things are uneven or unfair.
  • I also don't want the community having issues since I know some people hate anime while some people hate kpop.
  • I don't want people to feel like they have to pay twice the amount to be apart of both of the pages for both types of content. (Since anime will be $5 and most the kcontent is also $5)

I've looked at several creators' Patreon pages from the kpop community as well as anime communities, and most of them stick to whichever content from the community they're in. Some of them do both, but I feel like if I did both, there would be issues for some reason.

Here's a great example of a channel I watch who does both: YaBoyRoshi | Creating YouTube Content | Patreon

Let me know what you think! Would love some conversation in the comments regarding this! Thanks guys, see you soon!



I would love for everyone to vote! If you do, please take some time to drop a comment and lmk why too! Thanks guys! Have a good rest of the day. (The poll results aren't necessarily the final decision, but I do want to see what y'all think!)


I don’t watch anime, but I think the people who are interested shouldn’t have to pay again when they’re already supporting you. Anybody that’s been here for awhile should know you like both, and be fine with that. Plus it’s your channel you should be able to post what you want without worrying about fandoms clashing and negativity. Those of us that are patrons should understand that we’re subscribed because we like you and enjoy watching stuff with you. If it was just about what you’re watching and not you their would be no need to be a subscriber we’d just watch our favourite content on our own. I understand that you want us to be happy and watching the content we enjoy, but you need to be able to choose and enjoy what you want too.

Royal Yaya

Do both. Tbh one of my favorite reactors on patreon is yaboyrocklee. They're fairly new to n the kdrama side but they balance out the kdrama and anime and live action reactions quite well Imo. From the anime and kdrama shows that I personally am interested in from their channel, they react to it about 3x a week. Because you are also doing survival shows, I'd say just start low 1x a week for kdrama and survival and 2x for the anime purely based on the duration of each episode. And what I also think helps is doing polls so you know that that anime or drama you're gonna react to is something that the majority wants to see (but also make sure the options are what you're also genuinely interested in watching because that's what makes the reactions fun).


hmm for me personally, I love anime and kpop/kdramas, but I never watch anime reactions. it wouldn’t bother me if both were posted on the same patreon channel, but I would be kinda sad if it meant that we got less kpop/kdrama content. but at the same time, if combining them makes it more convenient for you, then I say go for it. ppl who watch both will most likely prefer to pay for one subscription & get both than doing it separately


I followed you for your kpop reactions but I wouldn't be against anime being on the same page. There's no need for people who want both to pay for separate patreons as that wouldn't be too fair. People can simply choose to watch or not because I don't watch all kpop content you put out. I watch what I'm interested in and that's okay with me. But also I've been thinking of starting to watch more anime because my friends have recommended some and I think more people may become interested in it too if they watch your reactions to them along with you


Personally and I’ve said this before I like both, I know you’ve been worried about the communities clashing but instead of trying to build to separate communities I think it would be better in your interest and in the long run to build a more welcoming community that loves both, and one that enjoys what you enjoy as the creator, I still think the more you separate the more harder it gets to manage both physically and mentally and also it maybe better just to build a stronger community that enjoys both your interests, like I watch bris and pd for both, but hey if separate still works in your eyes then do it

Sahaja Chowdary

Why is seventeen disappeared from this channel 😔 I always wait for them