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Hey guys!

Everything in Korea is EXTREMELY last minute. I did not know it was like this lol. I had a video scheduled to do with NINE.i but it was completely changed last minute on their side.

So I want to know if I can include you guys with this one so, do you have any questions you’d like me to ask them? :)



i want to know what the process is like making a new song or recording it in the studio


what is each member’s favorite title track they’ve released and what’s a concept/genre they’d like to try in the future? :)


How do they dance in THOSE boots!

Daniela V.

What is a question you've been wanting to answer or what is a story you've been wanting to tell but haven't gotten asked about?


What is an official outfit or styling they've had (e.g for album shooting, concept photos, live stages etc) that they liked the most? (Bonus question: was that outfit like their personal style or different?)


is there any concept they want to try in particular? like fantasy with fairy themes or sirens, y2k, punk-ish