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Hey y'all! 

I wanted to post this to see what type of content you guys would watch. I am actually in disbelief on the positive feedback on the few sample vlogs I posted here so I wanted to ask you what other stuff you guys would be willing to watch? 

I'd appreciate if any of you could comment some video ideas so I can come back with more videos that are up your alleys. If you could, please focus on things that are within my control, I can do stuff alone or with Bris/Rosan but can't guarantee any artists yet, but I am hopeful! When I find out more about that Patreon fam will be the first to know and I will ask you guys for what you want to see then!

Vlogs? Trying food/restaurants? What would you be interested in? :D 



I liked the fashion one you posted on YouTube! I’m not a big fashion person but that was so enjoyable for even me to watch. You could also do food stuff. Street food and convenience stores would be cool.

chloe 🖤

the nightlife in seoul is amazing! id love to see you do a street food tour in myeongdong or go to one of the night markets! maybe end the night off with some chaotic but good for the soul karaoke lol


Would love to see you do some fashion content there! Visiting some local brand stores or even just shopping in general is fun content to watch.


im not sure how much of it you got to do last time you were in sk, but stuff like palaces, hanok villages and the folk museums would super cool if you wanted to experience a little bit more of the culture! i think a vlog of the street/night markets would be cool too

Lauren Freeman

Definitely trying food! Also any opportunities to learn about korean culture and history from a laymans point of view and maybe things that struck you. Maybe with a tour guide or meeting new people. I know airbnb used to post opportunities for guides But I think there are also other opportunities if you Google around.


It’d be awesome to see you try on the traditional clothing, hanbok! I saw you can try them on or rent them at the temples I’m not sure if there’s specific ones but it’d be cool to see for sure


Def agree w/ food & fashion content! If you have a free day, maybe try the "Mino Line" tour? He had a short series where he went around Seoul via the subway. You can check it out here for reference: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpHoQcgaTCLKe3L0BvJQSzezmA2fV6cRO ...or maybe you can simply try out his cafe, Osechill :) Have a blast (and def relax also) in SK! :)