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Ari on the way up! So this is what it's like at the top? bbbfamous has become unhinged, and I guess this ex romance did not get closure --oop! 




the drama loving dj lmao. & idk why, when i first watched this, i never realized that ari was just playing the part with junkyung at first??? i saw A LOT of people liking them as a couple, & even complaining that there wasn't enough "romance" in the drama. personally, i could never get past the fact that he literally has his housekeeper chasing down the shoes on his feet like a psychopath, so....


personally I agree with you, I thought that junkyung didn’t say anything wrong and reacted well to the arranged marriage situation and I was confused as to why the girl (forgot her name) was upset. but I guess she wants someone who is more passionate abt her and expressively shows their feelings. I’m def the opposite tho lmao I think junkyung handled it maturely