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Hey everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great day so far (or evening). I don't want to take up too much of your time with yet another long post. I just wanted to keep you all in the loop!

After some filming, and some discussion, I want to let you know what my plans are when it comes to uploading longer form content here on the page.

As most are aware, kdrama has become the majority of the content we did here, which I don't mind. However, I did a bulk session finishing the current kdrama, and after that I was glad I could move on to the next show but it irks me that after 7-8 hours of filming, I only leave with one video per hour and it's right to the next one lol. If it were an idol show, Run BTS/Going SVT/etc. that could be 14 videos done in 7 hours, which sounds much better to me, as it can help me actually build a foundation of videos that are done and scheduled for y'all for the month and beyond. I think that's what eventually helps with being able to become more confident in letting you know what's going up in the month.

We're back in a building phase here, so I need to prioritize the quantity of uploads as well as what's desired so doing more of those shows around the 30-minute mark would be very beneficial.

In an ideal world I do 30 hours of content per month, one kdrama takes up nearly half of that and doing a longer survival show at the same time alone takes up the rest if I posted it within a month (generally doesn't happen, but this is a hypothetical). Basically, I want to work towards a more efficient film schedule so you guys can get more content solidified/scheduled on a weekly basis. I don't believe this can happen if I'm doing 2 long shows, trying to rush post kdramas and also post variety content and stuff as well.

With that, I think I'll be doing one per week, just like they air and double upload others.

For example, I'm going to double upload the rest of Celebrity for y'all, but the next dramas, depending on what content I have scheduled, might be one per week or might be two. Basing the content releasing off of what I have completed sounds a lot better to me than filming for hours and still adding more and more to the to do list because I'm posting it too soon.

I just want to use the time to get further ahead to do other videos as well.

This doesn't mean there won't be survivals anymore or anything, but I think it's fair to say if the survival is 2-2.5 hours long, you might expect some content to be cut/slowed down to offer consistent releases of survival reactions. This is better to me than stopping survival reactions overall.

What may be helpful is possibly doing survivals or some dramas live on Twitch so even if they don't go up twice a week, if I watch live and you join then you may get your early fix in that way. Just an idea, as I do not stream often (but I may be today). :P


-- also, patreon has granted more video storage, i'll be continuing uploading the rest of the old content. it might go up for scheduling though, so just give it time. uploading 50 videos at once isn't great while posting new stuff.


sincerely, nai. ♡

i think that sounds like a good plan overall . it would suck for you to feel unsatisfied with the amount of vids going up whilst you’re trying to build content. i have no complaints whatsover about more going seventeen or any other idol show and you pushing out the k drama’s in the best way you see fit. i love seeing you get more into different groups esp seeing you react to svt. honestly though, it is whatever you think fits best and we’ll be here to support you no matter the schedule !! ❤️

Ariah Mclean

Sounds like a good plan to mee!! as long as your not burning yourself out trying to push content


Thank you, I wish more people who viewed this would share some thoughts as well so I can see where peoples heads are at but if it sounds good then I shall move forward!


Thanks nai! Just wanting things to make a bit more sense to me! Appreciate you and your understanding!