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I am going to Korea in September again, aiming to create some content that will actually see the light of day this time lol. Hopefully things work out, some things are lining up and looking cool! I hope I can get in the position to bring you guys something new. (& hopefully I can get a video with an artist/group! I'll share details later!)

I hate to say it but now more than ever, I am heavily relying on your patronage. Switching over to this new page resulted in me losing over 70% of my income after I just bought another camera and lens. I was able to cover my flight and accommodation but hopefully I don't run into any sudden production expenses otherwise it would be no good. I was preparing to move before this, and still may end up doing so when I return but it's an entirely different scenario with that now. Either way, thank you everyone who's migrated over smoothly and made this slightly easier for me. I will continue to put my best step forward to try to bring forth more content. 

With the trip in mind, uploads will likely be limited to 1 video per day, I will do my best with extra time that I have available to double or triple upload, but to manage time per day and still post on YouTube all while scheduling content for September, I think that's my best bet. My gameplan is recording 50% of videos that'll go up this month, and 50% that'll go up in September so I'm not working backwards and not posting as much this month or posting a lot this month and barely saving any for next. Aiming to do 4-7 hours of recording per day, or streaming and also doing content this month so you may catch me on Twitch! (1 vid/day is not guaranteed, just what I'm aiming for! That will likely be the schedule while I'm gone excluding weekends usually, but while I'm here I'll do what I can to get as much content to you as I can!)

You guys are likely already aware of me uploading all of the old content, so that new patrons can see anything they've missed. I'm sorry but I am still not done. I'd say we're about 85-90% done, the hassle is downloading hundreds of gigabytes simply to reupload, and re title every post. I'm going to have to take a break with that. 

What you may not be aware of, is that Patreon actually limits the hours of which you can upload to their site. Other people opt to use different things called "CDNs" which are hosts for video sites, the problem is, the websites that pirate Patreon accounts, get to still view your links and also increase the bandwidth going to your CDN and can cause inflation in price. (You may have seen other creators face this issue and be charged thousands to tens of thousands of dollars for this.) I do not want to face this, so I am requesting more hours to stay within Patreon for now. I have to wait for them to email me back to add more hours, since uploading all the old videos ate most of the storage. I'm not sure if they will give me 100 hours or 500, but I'll have to work with their speed and see how many hours I can get each time I run out. Some videos may be posted with the ol' Dropbox formula, which isn't the best for the player, but it'll do. It will also show my links on the pirate sites, but if they take too long I'll have to do that in order to continue posting as normal. 

Alright! I'll catch you all soon! Look out! 

- Movie club video coming asap! 

- BP will be finished this month! (May stream)

- Guaranteed Requests are filmed and scheduled. Requests closed for this month as we reupload and schedule this content but this may change mid way through the month. I'll let you know! 

- Shall we watch ZB1 show after finishing BP?



Heck yeah man I hope you have fun and some good content this time around, sucks you had to switch patreon but I hope that all works out for you down the line, personally would love to see the zb1 show after bp maybe others will agree, either way keep it up man you’ve got this


I'm glad you're getting to go back so soon. I hope this trip you'll get to fulfill more of what you want to do but still overall have fun. My week there falls into October but hopefully we still cross paths! I would also love to see the zb1 show and excited for you to check out the debut.


Hope you have a great time in SK! Since you'll miss iKons tour in the US, they'll be at this festival on the 23rd of September. Hopefully you can go! https://twitter.com/idolradiokorea/status/1681589938444443648?t=hA_DmxDS-YNJspBbPfrcug&s=19


Yo, thank you so much for this. That’s one of the biggest things that sucks is that I won’t be able to see ikon. I will check out the festival and see if I can do that!

katsu ne

yess, please watch the ZB1 show! it's sooo fun and it's only 3 episodes ^^


yesss zb1 show! and omg have fun in korea !! eat lots of good food. if you like pajeon (and makgeolli if you drink), I recommend going to a restaurant called 장독대 which is in 흑석동 ^^


I went a few years ago for study abroad & I’ve been wanting to go back for language school but money :/


Money is exactly why I also should not be going but I’m hoping the risk is worth it so I definitely feel it. Hopefully our paths can cross someday!


hoping good things & opportunities come your way while you’re there 🙏🏾 I’m sure it’ll be worth it. and me too! lmk if you’re ever in nyc