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Woaahh! I did not expect that to happen at the Bazaar. This show makes me feel weird lol, it's very exaggerated and also feels wrong? Maybe it's since I do stuff online too. Feels Black Mirror-esque. 




Lol I’m back to shit on Seo Ari again😂 bc yeah of course it’s wrong of Oh Minhye to be a bitch to someone just bc they’re less rich, less famous and less successful than her and to order her to pack the stuff away and things. But at the same time Ari is so frustrating because after all it is true that she’s still a “nobody” in this world and she’s very lucky that she can have this fake friendship with Oh Minhye, Ari profits from this the most, is she expecting to get all of this for free or what??! Also I find it very interesting that most people I’ve seen agree with her at the end of the episode when she posts and are surprised by the negative comments she gets. I immediately had the same reaction as those comments like “Who does she think she is?”. All the people who follow these celebs and bring them gifts and stuff, they decide for themselves to do that, they’re not some brainwashed servants that mindlessly follow them around as Ari seems to think. She insulted every single one of them with that post. And she's ungrateful. Honestly she’s not the brightest. Then like I said in my comment on episode 2 I think she’s just like the rest of them but thinks that she’s not. Most viewers see the rest of them like Oh Minhye and Jin Chaehee etc being fake for clout and dislike them for it but Ari does the same thing. Ari wants to be famous so bad. She sees that she has to mooch off others and fake being friends with Minhye but somehow I see viewers applaud her for it? 🥴 She judges the others for being that way while she does the same shit, she’s a hypocrite in my eyes. I constantly find myself rooting for the "bad guys" since I dislike the main character so much. The two detectives are from Flower of Evil btw, one played a cop there as well and the other one was Reporter Kim Moojin.


The drama really does remind me of black mirror. I definitely think the reason why people really resonate with this is because it’s very much like how social media is . Especially the “war” between the beauty/fashion influencers that happened in real life before Covid started.