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Hey all!

I had some extra time off this week, so it ended up being a really productive one for game work. I'm sure some of you have seen this character already if you're on the Discord, but here they are, implemented in game. I say they, because this is the first character that I've created a femboy version of in addition to the regular female one. My thought is that at the beginning of the game, I'll add an option for certain androgynous characters, like this one or the bus station punk, to be femboys. Of course I'll add a computer code for it as well so you'll be able to activate and deactivate it at will.

All in all, a really good week!




At first glance I thought it was a mime lol! This ought to be interesting.

Corvo Attano

I really like the design! And I like the idea of being able to change the other characters gender as well, even if I probably won’t use it since I’m a massive lesbian lol That said, will these change the genitals of the characters too, or just their look? (I don’t remember if theyre even visible on the bus station character but still figured I’d ask)


It works pretty much exactly like it does for the MC. Their body stays pretty much the same, but they get a different set of bits. You can't see anything on the bus station punk, but I'm gonna be touching up that CG soon anyway because it's starting to bother me a little.