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I'm back! 

Move is done, stuff is settled, new job is starting soon, and I've got something for you guys finally!

This is a continuation of the little text adventure from earlier this year which adds a new day onto the story and a total of 7 new scenes. I don't actually know what my energy levels are going to be like yet as I haven't started at work yet, but I'm feeling pretty confident that most of my mojo is back. I know that some of you were probably expecting some WDD content which I wish this was, but in the time since I last worked on it, I'm afraid that my drawing skills have gotten a little rusty and I want to practice some before just jumping back in. Next thing will definitely be WDD related though as the lack of creative expression in my life right now is driving me a little nutty. 

Click me! 



Hey welcome back! Hope life been treating you well!❤️


Glad the move went well and that you didn't fall into the Grand Canyon! :) Looking forward to whatever you have in store for us!