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Hey all!

This week/weekend has been super busy as it's the graduations ceremonies for my degree, so I've got a lot of family in town at the moment and haven't been able to find much time. I do however has something cooking on the backburner that I think I'll be able to show off really soon. Additionally, I think I am nearly fully recovered from my post defense burnout and I feel ready to start back on WDD again. Anyway, to the content this week.

On the Discord, I set up a channel for all of the AI characters I'd made so far and solicited some ideas from folks there, these are two of the characters that I wanted to try out making!

Training Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Description: Your friendly MILF next door! Marcia is designed as an older sub, by request of Grimm on Discord.

Discipline Dungeon
Training Level: ⭐⭐
Description: This was an experiment to create a kind of AI dungeon crawl in a spanky themed dungeon. It's weird, but you can get some interesting scenarios in it with some prodding. Requested by combatclam on Discord.


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