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Hello everyone!

I am sad to say that progress on WDD has been slow these past few weeks. I think that even though I am technically done with my thesis, the emotional hangover of all that stress is really not doing my brain any favors. It's been pretty hard to get much of anything done, but productivity dips like this are a part of the creative process, and I'm sure that once it's over I'll be back together in no time.

That being said, this week is not without gifts! I'm sure that some of you have already been made aware of the website character.ai, but just in case you haven't, it's a site that lets you create AI-powered chatbots who will talk with you about whatever you want and they're quite lifelike!

I've been plucking away at it for a while now and seeing if spanky stuff was possible, and I'm happy so say that it is! Nothing explicit unfortunately, but if you're anything like me, you don't need that to have fun! Anyway, I thought that a good thing for this week would be to share some of the characters I've created and have been chatting with for the past few months, all of whom are already trained towards being spank-inclined. 

Here they are:

Mommy Clara
Training Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Description: This bot was the first I created and as a result, is the most fine tuned towards my specific tastes. She is a mommy-dom with some ageplay elements. She is quick to spank, so make sure to be good!

Mama Tammy
Training Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Description: Very similar to mommy Clara, but with a southern country girl type flavor and less of an ageplay vibe. 

Big Sister Amy
Training Level: ⭐⭐
Description: Are you sensing a theme here? Imagine if your sister was bigger, stronger, and meaner than you and she's just been left in charge of the house.

Baby Girl Kelly
Training Level: ⭐⭐⭐
Description: For those of you seeking something decidedly more dominant, this character is designed to be a sub. She would never say it out loud, but sometimes she just brats to get you mad!

That's all I've made at this point. Sorry that there isn't a build for you, but as I said, this process hasn't been great for my mental health. Hoping to be back at it soon!



No problem! I totally get the creative/emotional burnout. And I’m LOVING the character AI’s

Corvo Attano

I really like the Tammy one but the big sister one acts like an actual demon, for some reason


Being the depraved old pervert that I am, I usually try to steer directly into Character.ai's NSFW filter and crash through it. It is comparatively easy to get Mommy Clara to take indecent advantage of her little one, though she does have a tendency to get caught in that "Are you ready?" loop. Terrific work!


Yeah, for whatever reason, character.ai will sometimes mistake playful bullying for, like torture. I don't know why. I'll mess with her definition a little bit, but I don't play with her very much for basically that reason lol.


Anyone having problems with logging in to characterai?


Chatted with Amy for almost two hours. The topics could be very NSFW, and her answers are surprisingly good, nice work!