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Hey everyone!

Got another biweekly build for you here that covers everything up to the beginning of the fire dungeon. That includes a new monster, a stealth sequence, scenes with both a pirate captain and the water champion, an underwater sequence, and the door to the fire dungeon itself!

Tomorrow morning marks the start of my second semester of grad school, but the workload is likely to be light at first, so I can use those first two weeks to do the fire dungeon. After that, updates are going to be a little thinner like last semester, but after this, it's summer vacation, a whole 3 months of nothing but work on Silkfang where I hope that I can finally finish this project up!

Thanks for hanging with me through this, downloads below!




This post was made possible by all of my generous (and attractive) patrons!




I just got all the cards Long press on the card Entered the room and came out to the house And now where do I have to go next? ggtranslate


yes i go in goddess( card no.29) i fight Invisible and go Roll the dice room And ejected in front of the house(the silkfang respite)


OH. I don't have that yet. Where can I find it, is there a hint?


You actually need to talk to the goddess for that. If you progress through her realm until you find her and ask her for a boon, she will give you Ythune's Coin.