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Hey everyone!

Got another Silkfang build here! This time, we've implemented 2 new monsters, the graven and the stonefiend. Gravens are pretty common in graveyards or near them at night. Stonefiends are a little more rare and can only be found at night in hilly areas. (Check the northern part of Erenvaith Hills at night!)

Additionally, taming has now been adjusted to take into account the addition of implements! Now, monsters have a certain amount of resistance to taming and sometimes you'll need to use a tool to improve your ability! The treasure hunting minigame in Shol's Crater has now been installed as well, albeit as a bit of a prototype while I figure out how I'm gonna make it work exactly. My plan is for each town, not including Center City to have a minigame which reflects their aspected element, here being earth.

Downloads below!




This post was made possible by all of my generous (and attractive) patrons!  




Ah fuck yeah new build for Pokemon: Spanko Edition!