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Today, a video from the channel "Questioning Christianity" attempts to explain to us how god can be good while still commanding the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanites.


Is God Evil? Maybe...

Today, a video from the channel "Questioning Christianity" attempts to explain to us how god can be good while still commanding the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanites. Sources: Golden Rule: https://tinyurl.com/nncujcq Child Sacrifice in Ancient Israel: https://tinyurl.com/2p3o6flg Original Video: https://tinyurl.com/2hbhzlwq Cards: Forget About Human Jesus - Does Alien Jesus Exist?!? 👽: https://youtu.be/4oWmxp_s9m8 All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



Great video Rhino. Probably my favorite of yours. So clear and well put. Although…maybe I’m just especially impressed because I’ve been going at it with a lower-level Christian Youtuber and I’m realizing how challenging it is to respond concisely and completely to Christians. Modern Christianity is constructed almost perfectly to be impervious to debunking. Indeed, it has a true nuclear trump card that renders it totally untouchable, if apologists allow themselves this superweapon: the “mysterious ways” of God, beyond our understanding. I like this apologist, though. It’s honest of him to admit he remains uncomfortable with this one. I’ve come to realize that you, Paul, and Zod form a triune god of YouTube atheism. All others are lesser gods. Thank you for all the wonderful content.


HERE. HERE, ...I 2nd that eMOTION!!