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Today, we watch as Kent Hovind gives us his best six evidences[sic] for young earth creation.


Has Hovind Learned Anything? (Spoiler: No.)

Today, we watch as Kent Hovind gives us his best six evidences[sic] for young earth creation. Sources: How Science Figured Out the Age of Earth: https://bit.ly/3scd6fh The Sumerian king list: translation: https://bit.ly/3J0RpIj Global population 10,000BCE-2100: https://bit.ly/3s7NGSV Genetic load: https://bit.ly/3ea5SU5 Genetic signatures of adaptation revealed from transcriptome sequencing of Arctic and red foxes: https://bit.ly/3oV2l1Z Which Elements Will Never Be Made By Our Sun?: https://bit.ly/3DXyNoG The Sun's Energy Doesn't Come From Fusing Hydrogen Into Helium (Mostly): https://bit.ly/3DYzON9 Stanford SOLAR Center: Is the Sun Shrinking?: https://stanford.io/2OvGCgq Roche Limit - an overview: https://bit.ly/3yC4xPe Original Video: https://bit.ly/3dNmaSs Cards: Drunken...Response video?!?: https://youtu.be/Y2xNBNjBITo Evidence for Evolution Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLbOEx_k9dkdf5tqLmmC1o98WvyBYlGNk 0:00 - Intros/preamble 3:14 - 1: Bible! 7:53 - 2: Argument from Ignoring Malthus 11:47 - 3: Genetic Load 14:30 - 4: A Stellar Misunderstanding of Fusion 18:02 - 5: Lunar Lunacy 19:38 - 6: The Earth as a Centrifuge 20:55 - Comment of the Day All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



Hovind keeps stating "millions" or "billions". Humans have not existed on earth in any form for millions of years, the earth is not hundreds of millions years old, nor the sun millions of billions of years old. I went back and verified that he said, "millions OF billions", not, "millions AND billions". How can you dispute facts if you don't even know what the facts are? Hovind does this all the time, and that's one of the reasons why he's reviled by, not only people living in reality, but other apologists, as well.


Black death took out 1/3 of Europe... I mean damn.