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Today, former Christian pop star Alisa Childers goes over five apologetics that she feels every Christian should be familiar with.  Well, judging by her coverage of biblical slavery, superficial familiarity is basically all she wants people to have - don't go in depth!


Slavery, Manuscripts, and One Witness = Jesus!

Today, former Christian pop star Alisa Childers goes over five apologetics that she feels every Christian should be familiar with. Well, judging by her coverage of biblical slavery, superficial familiarity is basically all she wants people to have - don't go in depth! Sources: Limitations in Historical Analysis of the New Testament: https://bit.ly/3ABzDGR 25,000 New Testament Manuscripts? Big Deal: http://bit.ly/2JFk9LT Code of Hammurabi: https://bit.ly/3zLRQQV Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible?: https://bit.ly/3uaAATZ In Child Deaths, a Test for Christian Science: https://nyti.ms/3ELhOrh Joshua Bowen. The Atheist Handbook to the Old Testament. Vol. 1. Digital Hammurabi Press, 2021. Law Of Slavery in The State of Louisiana: https://bit.ly/3um7Ms1 What Does the Bible Say About Beating A Slave?: https://bit.ly/3EOfNuA Original Video: https://bit.ly/3ADT3e5 All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



I think it's probably correct that slavery did not have the negative connotations back then that it has now. Not because slavery wasn't just as bad (by our standards) then as it was later, but because apparently no one in the ancient world, including in classical Athens, thought slavery was morally wrong. By arguing about connotations, she tacitly assumes that the ancients viewed the morality of slavery just as we do today. Which is clearly not the case.


The minimal facts argument only works if you add the existence of a god as an additional "fact".