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Today, Calvin of Answers in Genesis Canada tells us how to reconcile apparent biblical contradictions.  

Just kidding, he addresses contradictions that nobody even claims are contradictions.


Contradictions Don't Exist if we Ignore Them!

Today, Calvin of Answers in Genesis Canada tells us how to reconcile apparent biblical contradictions. Just kidding, he addresses contradictions that nobody even claims are contradictions. Sources: Plutarch • Life of Alexander (Part 1 of 7): https://bit.ly/3jrRA50 Tacitus, Histories — Book IV Chapters 80‑86: https://bit.ly/3jFHtpY Contradictions as listed in the SAB book: https://bit.ly/3jqaHw1 Why I Do Not Think the King James Bible Is the Best Translation Available Today: https://bit.ly/363Txwm Original Video: https://bit.ly/3h2n5AV Cards: Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LszC4yJa1X0 Examining Biblical Contradictions with AiG (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INseMFgSBD8



I think the best way to avoid the bats/birds thing is to recognize that ancient taxonomy was not based on evolutionary relations. That was, of course, because they had never heard of evolution. Even today, though, we don't always classify animals using evolution. Hunters classify animals between those that are in season and those that are out of season (Is it duck season or rabbit season?). If you go outside, you classify animals into those that are harmless (squirrels), and those that you'd better stay away from (bears). Linnaeus did not base his taxonomy on evolution, either. Saying that bats aren't birds assumes that there is One True Taxonomy, which isn't true.