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Today, some jerk decides he's going to explain why the Christian god does not exist.


Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God.

Today, some jerk decides he's going to explain why the Christian god does not exist. Sources: Lost Christianities - Bart D. Ehrman (2003) pp 123 What does it mean that humanity is made in the image of God (imago dei)?: https://bit.ly/2RHmL0L Do animals think rationally? Researcher suggests rational decision-making doesn't require language: https://bit.ly/2RHtAzr Shock to a conspecific as an aversive stimulus: https://bit.ly/3yKE01y Do Animals Know Right From Wrong?: https://bit.ly/3oV9w8I Social mammals: https://bit.ly/3fr9jqB



There should be some interesting response video's to this when it goes live. Hopefully some constructive conversations can come from it. Be nice to see them actually try and make a defence

Viced Rhino

I wouldn't count on it. Most apologists completely ignore me, and the ones who don't also don't seem to be looking for honest and productive dialogue.


Ok, there we are, "free will". Mr. Rhino I know this isn't the exact main point of the video, I'd have to say that given mounting evidence that free will is just an illusion. The brain scanning and reaction tests. Physics with knowing initial states and such things on the atomic scale and larger are pretty much clockwork. It doesn't do a damn thing to take away from the beauty, wonder, love, and everything else. That's part of the thing about not believing in a god or an afterlife. Makes you apricate this life instead of looking forward to a fantasy that will never come.