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Today, we discuss morality.  But rather than dwell on the big ticket items like apologists like to do, I ask about some everyday situations that are much more relevant to people's day to day lives.


Wild justice and fair play: cooperation, forgiveness, and morality in animals: https://bit.ly/3eUcCUI

NADIS - National Animal Disease Information Service: https://bit.ly/3ghUnZB

Original Video: https://bit.ly/2BYIXLC



I think it was Aron Ra who used slashing open someone throat as an example. You're not going to get many people that would say that is a moral or ethical thing to do. But a tracheotomy you have to slash someone's throat to allow them to breath and survive instead of die. It's been done enough time the procedure is codified and has a name. The old argument that we as unbelievers need to deal with the consequences of our actions because we can't ask for any sort of devine forgiveness. A christian can cheat on their spouse, violate nuns while on a maple syrup bender, and do all sorts of Group W Bench stuff and ask for forgiveness and not have to learn a lesson. It might be sad to think but instead of a morality issue it might just be a matter of poor impulse in some people. I'm pretty sure we've all had a few friends that were like that. Instead of these people who keep "messing up" being told they are broken and headed for hell and their only hope is Jesus maybe a better option is a bit of education, some therapy, and seeing if there are any physical abnormalities in their brains. I'm no brain thinky PhD guy but in my mind being able to get away with something thank a god for it just reinforces the bad behavior (whether it's a neurotypical or a poor impulse control person) The same goes for if the person has to serve time. Tons of church groups and fellowship in prison and they usually give stewardships and other privileges to inmates that are in church groups and keep their nose clean. So again it sort of reinforces the behavior. AA and the 12 step programs look at addiction as a moral failing instead of a physical condition of the brain and body chemistry. There are science based programs that work better but the church groups get all that sweet government court money instead of programs with a proven track record.... I hate to sound like a movie villan but it's hard to escape your destiny if your genes, biochemistry, brain structure, and upbringing come together for a hat trick of f-u. In no way is that an excuse to do bad things. But there is also a world of difference between our comfortable lives and somebody in the African Bush who is an enforcer for a warlord. That goes back to the morality vs survival issue. There's a difference between feeding your family and getting a woody when you cause violence.