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Today, DLM Christian Lifestyle host Daniel Maritz gives us five reasons why he believes in god.  Let's see how they hold up...


The Exorcist Proves God?

Today, DLM Christian Lifestyle host Daniel Maritz gives us five reasons why he believes in god. Let's see how they hold up... Sources: Physiological Changes Associated with Emotion: https://bit.ly/3vu4ulM Exploring the neural correlates of dream phenomenology and altered states of consciousness during sleep: https://bit.ly/3eEgWZj The neuroscience of religious and spiritual experience: https://bit.ly/3e1zUda Neurochemical models of near-death experiences: A large-scale study based on the semantic similarity of written reports: https://bit.ly/38WeoD6 Placebo Controls, Exorcisms and the Devil: https://bit.ly/3eIl3Dv Exorcists are back – and people are getting hurt: https://bit.ly/3eFQyOP Prevalence of Earth-size planets orbiting Sun-like stars: https://bit.ly/3gRP46S In Search for a Planet Better than Earth: Top Contenders for a Superhabitable World: https://bit.ly/3vxs3tP Our Expanding Universe: Age, History & Other Facts: https://bit.ly/3nzBFS5 Hartle–Hawking state: http://bit.ly/2jwoW2g Original Video: https://bit.ly/3gMTpYG Cards: 5 Vague Arguments for God from a Hovind Clone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Z30wcZku0 Creationist Proves the Epic of Gilgamesh!: https://youtu.be/9JUa-715CSA



I'm sure I remember reading that we are right on the edge of our habitable zone. Other exo planets are much better placed. Maybe god likes those planets more


We're pretty much in the middle now, but the Sun is getting hotter, and in a billion years or so we will be inside the inner edge of the habitable zone, and all the oceans will have boiled away. Don't worry, though. Long before then all life will have ended, because the heat will have caused the atmospheric carbon dioxide to react with rocks, which will kill the plants, which will stop producing oxygen, which will kill all other life. So cheer up! And then the Sun will become a red giant, and the Earth will be inside the Sun.


I had several episodes of sleep paralysis when I was a kid. It scared the shite out of me. Never told anyone about the experience until in my 40s when I learnt what was actually happening. Being brought up in a religious family (Southern Baptist) I thought it was the devil. The last strong episode I had was in my mid 30's. Had a weaker episode a few years ago. I really feel for people who are told that it's the devil and that they need spiritual help. It's just a glitch in the brain...nothing more. Also, it has become more and more interesting to me that, if someone used to be Muslim and convert to Christianity, they say "He used to be Muslim". But if it's a Christian who leaves that faith for another or become atheist.... and they say "He never was a real Christian". Ych