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Today, we not only look at the problem of evil, but we also ask how it is even possible for god to have desires in the first place.


If God Has Desires, He's Not Perfect

Today, we not only look at the problem of evil, but we also ask how it is even possible for god to have desires in the first place. Sources: Darwin, C. R. 'Recollections of the development of my mind & character': https://bit.ly/3dnK5ar Animals plan ahead: https://bit.ly/3u7dYm6 Can Animals Plan Ahead? Some Evidence Says Yes: https://bit.ly/3sHIfI7 Original Video: https://bit.ly/3fuJ0jZ



One of the many things that annoy me about Christian's is the fact that they are happy to consign a good person to hell for the one "sin" of not believing in Jesus. This one thing somehow outweighs all the good acts you could possibly do.


So god had to create humanity because his imaginary friends Jesus and the holy ghost weren't good enough company?


Didn't he create angel's first? Maybe the heavenly host was just too boring

Metaphor Underbog

I find it deeply troubling that people think it's even remotely acceptable, or even "good", for someone to suffer for an eternity for what are by definition finite crimes. Do I like the idea of Hitler suffering? Yes. Greatly. But forever? How can that be justified when by people like William Lane Craig's estimation (his example was Canaanite children, I believe) they've been done an ultimate good by being delivered into the arms of their all loving god for eternity? Further, how can someone really be in eternal bliss knowing their friends and relatives are almost certainly suffering eternally. It's just morally repugnant.