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Today, she goes off on the boring topic of definitions.  I use the opportunity to apply some of the critical thinking she's taught us to some of AiG's stuff.


Critical Thinking Check 4: AiG Fails their own Test!

Today, she goes off on the boring topic of definitions. I use the opportunity to apply some of the critical thinking she's taught us to some of AiG's stuff. Sources: Evolution at different scales: micro to macro: https://bit.ly/35eyzeJ Rapid hybrid speciation in Darwin’s finches: https://bit.ly/2IUI7TM Commentary to: Cause of Cambrian explosion - Terrestrial or cosmic? Steele, E.J. et al.: https://bit.ly/37sKTcA Cause of Cambrian Explosion - Terrestrial or Cosmic?: https://bit.ly/3ak6UMd Parasitic plants use stolen genes to make them better parasites: https://bit.ly/3ainn3x Dear Mr. Ham: You Can't Have It Both Ways: https://n.pr/37sG42H "Historical science" vs. "experimental science": https://bit.ly/3ntEAux Original Video: https://bit.ly/3mpEins Playlist for this series: https://bit.ly/37uZgNa



I am so grateful for the work you do. AIG makes me lose hope for humanity.