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Today, Matt Powell talks to us about the big bang.


Nothing Banged Into Something: The Religion of Not Religion (Part 3)

Today, Matt Powell talks to us about the big bang. Sources: Initial singularity: https://bit.ly/3oUAIDt What Happened Before The Big Bang?: https://bit.ly/3mjuwTu Big Bang nucleosynthesis: https://bit.ly/2LsLmCM The first stars formed when the universe was less than 2 percent its current age: https://bit.ly/3853MRI Original Video: https://bit.ly/2Ia6r3D Cards: My Response to "The Atheist Religion" (9:43): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4ZoLzbWXnQ



Sure, knowing how the universe started would be cool and all but not knowing for sure doesn't effect my day to day life at all.