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In today's installment, we hear more from Raw Matt, and Matt Powell's dad saw Trump's tiny desk and decided he could one-up him by putting it in a cornfield.


Philandering Philatelists: The Religion of Not Religion (Part 2)

In today's installment, we hear more from Raw Matt, and Matt Powell's dad saw Trump's tiny desk and decided he could one-up him by putting it in a cornfield. Sources: The Myth of the Alpha Male: https://bit.ly/2VUE6BC List of countries by irreligion: https://bit.ly/3qEBdTK Atheists Now Make Up 0.1% of the Federal Prison Population: https://bit.ly/3qHYEf4 America's Changing Religious Landscape: https://pewrsr.ch/36Z0Ree Religious and Spiritual Factors in Depression: Review and Integration of the Research: https://bit.ly/3lYTuHV Religion as a risk factor for suicide attempt and suicide ideation among depressed patients: http://bit.ly/2TQ5ijc Religion and Suicide Risk: a systematic review: https://bit.ly/3oDIgdl Christians and Santa Claus: a Biblical View: https://bit.ly/3oGlFND Evidence for the Big Bang (PDF): https://bit.ly/3oDmfLI The impact of sex-role and religious attitudes upon forced marital intercourse norms: https://bit.ly/37LvcMq Original Video: https://bit.ly/3lYjpiE Cards: Pastor Tommy McMurtry, Pumpkins, and Mr Atheist (2:39): https://youtu.be/sLvkcue3aRc Abuse in the Church? NIFB Pastor (Matt Powell) EXPLODES on Member (4:26): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cARLxI-Zx64 NonStampCollector (16:33): https://www.youtube.com/user/NonStampCollector



Sky Bully! :) I have a new phrase that will be liberally employed.