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Frank Turek discusses the reliability of biblical manuscripts.


Losing Originals is Best for Preserving Originals!

Frank Turek discusses the reliability of biblical manuscripts. Sources: Rylands Library Papyrus P52: https://bit.ly/3lkNHfu Despite Disappointing Some, New Mark Manuscript Is Earliest Yet: https://bit.ly/36nOist The Anchor Bible, Mark 8-16 - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Joel Marcus, pp 1087-1096 The Ending of Mark’s Gospel: https://bit.ly/2KUMaAb Hebrews 1:3 - A Manuscript Changes and a Rebuke: https://bit.ly/3fSib7o Now You See Me: A History of Erasing (PDF): https://bit.ly/3odjdO2 Original Video: https://bit.ly/2VidpGJ


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