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Today, Dr. Jonathan Wells of the Discovery Institute tells us that the transitional whale fossils we have can't be transitional, because they don't have fully developed whale features.


It's Too Transitional To Be a Transition!

Sources: Jonathan Wells explaining why he went for a second PhD: http://bit.ly/308gm0w Smithsonian - How Did Whales Evolve: http://bit.ly/31t8bcD Hooking Leviathan by Its Past (source of Stephen J. Gould quote): http://bit.ly/31sCGPW The evolution of whales: http://bit.ly/31vfsJ9 Oldest Antarctic Whale Found; Shows Fast Evolution: https://on.natgeo.com/30f5GgZ A Whale of a Problem for Evolution: Ancient Whale Jawbone Found in Antartica[sic]: http://bit.ly/31sGm4c Discovery of “Oldest Fully Aquatic Whale” Fossil Throws a Major Bone into Whale Evolution Story: http://bit.ly/31tz6oV Original Video: http://bit.ly/31uxxHd


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