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Me and Brandon finally sat down to record our reaction to the 1st Twilight movie. I don't think we have enough info yet to determine whether we are team Jacob or Team Ed yet but maybe after the next film we will see! Hope ya'll enjoy!!!




I’m not even halfway through and this reaction is already so good I’m glad you guys went in with an open mind and didnt just hate on the movies! Lol I love this series idc what anyone says


also the guitar you heard during the romantic diner scene was Robert Pattinson(Edward) he had a few songs on the soundtrack, he’s also at the end when Bella is getting the venom sucked out of her bite.

Kaylee Smeaton

Team Jacob over here lol. I've read the books as well as seen all the films x

Nik Vann

I'm Team Bella Stays Single, tbh. Also, Charlie is severely underrated.

Ryan Cumming

yes, that is rosita from the walking dead! I didn't recognize her when I saw her in twd, but it's definitely her now that I'm seeing her here again


Deep cut. James was after Alice before she was turned! It’s not in the movies but the book includes it in her back story.

Dana Launius

Yeah! I just recently watched all of these. Never read though. I love that you're watching these. I think the last is the best.

Dana Launius

Yeah Charlie, the actor, was in a show called Revolutions (I think that's the name)when the electricity goes out. I bet that's what you saw him in.

Dana Launius

Can I get a Big Daddy Level graph or diagram from Brandon PLEAZZZZZZZZZZE!!! I need this in my life.


Love that you’re watching the Twilight movies. I wanna address something Adison keeps stating. So yes Bella is 17 and actually so was Edward when he died. Technically if he’s dead he can’t age right so he’s not a grown man. Now yeah Edward did do some creepy things and I’m trying to understand what he is dealing with being a vampire. Edward didn’t ask to be a vampire let’s remember that first. I’m not a big Twilight fan and to be honest I never wanted to watch the movies. When Twilight came out Harry Potter movies were still being made. I was more into Harry Potter than Twilight. Don’t get me wrong Twilight is cool it just didn’t get me like Harry Potter.


I didn’t know I needed this reaction but I definitely did!


every vampire story has its own lore. that's why the vampire is such an enduring storytelling device - you can make them whatever you want them to be. These vampires don't sleep. Anne Rice vampires don't have a problem with religious imagery or garlic. And every vampire lore has a different way of turning other people into vampires. In, fact, its very old fashioned to have a vampire that is afraid of crosses or garlic or has to be staked through the heart. That's very low stakes and not very interesting for storytelling. So, yeah, every author creates their own vampire lore. You can't watch one and look for lore from another one.


knew you guys were gonna be hilarious with that first classroom scene and you didnt disappoint lmaooo

Brian Clancy

Heard yall comment u wanna watch stranger things, would love to see yalll boys react to that show


I love the big daddy point system 🤣