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Here is early access to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART 1 RAW Reaction!!! 1 more movie to go!!




Yes!!! 2 of my favorite guys!!!

anna morrow



Ahhh! Been waiting on this with baited breath


Oh and Double D was drinking dat Ying Yang I yi, yi yi yi


Harry was forcing Dumbledore to drink a melted Grimace shake!


You both have brought me so much joy watching these movies!!! Thank you both so much! Can’t wait to see the last movie!!!!

Angel Zane

When he drinks the water, Dumbledore is watching and re-living the battle with his beloved friend and his brother, that led to the death of his damaged sister. It doesn't mention this in the movies, only the books.


Dumbledore: To Adison, I leave three strands of my beard hair. To Brandon, my pinkie ring as an outfit is not complete without it.


Mad Eye Moody died yes, the guy with the crazy eye. And the owls didnt bring much to the movies so Hedwigs death wasnt a big deal but in the books Harry and Hedwigs relationship was much deeper like an owner with their pet dog irl. And what Hermione did with her parents was erase herself from their memories so they wouldnt be tortured and killed as a way to get to her. Ron splinching himself means he left some of his body back where they apparated.

Nadia Aguilera

im sooo excited for you guys to react to the last part .................it was quite a fun journey to rewatch it with you guys!!! THANK YOU!


I remember watching these movies for the first time and all i thought was why dont they kill the evil fuckers. Still frustrating man i feel u guys


Dumbledore probably would've left Brandon a gat with the way he's been moving this series.

Baris Ince

I was waiting for bathilda backshots LMAO

dorianne bennett

You guys please make sure to do the reunion as well! The Harry Potter reunion. A lot of reactors don’t do that but it is wonderful to say the least.


I actually forgot about that. Been diving into the books again and haven't reached that part yet! It's a treasure cove full of lore and nice little details to read the books after the movies.


Fantastical Wizards and Witches aren’t the same as the religion witchcraft so they probably got religious wizards waving they wands for Lord 😅


Ron was always my favorite character because his reactions were normal for his age. This is how 17 year olds are supposed to act when tasked with a life or death quest with no help. It's just their the main characters and the heroes, so the audience expects more maturity than is actually realistic. Hermione and him are Harry's guides through the wizarding world. Ron is the one with common sense while Hermione has book sense.


Y’alls joy at seeing Dobby pull up 😭 …my heart!! He is a true legend.


I hope you give the Hogwarts Legacy game a try - it takes place in the late 1800s and is super fun. Re-watching this movie brought me back to some of the best parts of the game ✨💥🔥. & stream it on Twitch!!


I have never subscribed to a patreon before of watched people reactions to harry potter. I have loved your guys' commentary and reactions. So I had to subscribe. Thank you for the amazing content. Huge fan!


The last one is where it’s at. It’s crazy 🤪


Soon as in today?😇

Riki Andrews

Already annoyed me by apologising and then mocking it.

Riki Andrews

You know when you’re watching a movie and someone is talking over a really important part? That kinda annoyed…not the ‘I have a very special set of skills’ type of annoyed. The nuance is lost in text 😂


Okay okay I was just checking lol I thought you were snapping on us for a second 😅 Much love though! -Adison

Riki Andrews

Nah mate. Im English…it’s a lot more slicing when we insult people. It always cuts deeper with a precision blade. That was more like me punching one of the lads in the arm or something.

Riki Andrews

Looking forward to this last one as well btw. It’s epic. So don’t be talking over dramatic bits yeah? 😉

Riki Andrews

Just a little “trick” for Harry Potter fans who have iPhones…having worked for a certain tech company (though it’s online nowadays anyway) there are two ‘Spells’ from Harry Potter which have worked for years and years if not forever… “Hey Siri; Lumos!” to turn the torch on, and “Hey Siri; Nox!” to turn the torch off again. (Or Flashlight for our US friends)


ngl dumbledore's wand reminds me of a butt plug

Savannah Watson

I joined patreon just to watch yall react to part one of part 2 of the deathly hallows. I couldn’t wait for the realization of Sister Strong-jaw kissing Ron Weasley 😂 I can not wait for the big reveals in part two for you guys.


Have you ever read the fan fiction series from Hermione’s view?

Christian Zwisler

Originally J.K.Rowling's plan was for Hermione and Harry to end up together, but ended up not to do so. I guess it was too predictable or something? Cant remember tbh.. Also, the dancing scene was just Harry cheering up Hermione, their current situation is misserable as it can be already, and then Ron leaving too... She needed the pick up, thats for sure..

Christian Zwisler

Hermione erased the memory of herself and somehow that i cant remember right now as im drunk as a skunk, made them move to Australia, to keep them safe.

Christian Zwisler

avada kedavra is a killing curse. its against nature to kill with it. it rips your soul apart. thats why they are not using it. it consumes u, broken if u were.. "there is both light and dark inside of us, what matters is, what we choose to act on" quoting Sirius Black ;)


As many times as I’ve seen HP, Dobby dying gets me every single time.

Kasey T

They do not use the AK spell because it’s like using what evil wants you to use. You lose a piece of yourself when you do. Look at BellaTrix. She is crazy.


The explanation provided for not killing makes sense but in reality, if the situation were real, you would be killing everyone. It is definitely frustrating when movies insist on doing this trope despite reality being kill or be killed. The only example of a film that manages this idea well is Batman.


I like how yall started doing the Q & A session differently at the end of this one. Felt more structured and liked hearing y’all’s thoughts more ❤️

Luke Riggs

I love your guyseses commentary! So fun!

Tatum McCormick

Something not talked about in the movies is how much Ron is truly shuffled to the side by everyone. He is surrounded by the golden boy, hermione is the smartest person, the twins are geniuses, the oldest (Bill) is favored, Charlie (2nd oldest) is a very adventurous dragonologist, Percy was always the smartest in the family, and Ginny (in the books more so) is amazing at both quidditch and defense against the dark arts. Ron’s insecurities were highly minimized in the movies and so that’s why Ron’s personality is more susceptible to the locket. Not because he at heart is more likely to be jealous or petty, he was molded into the type of person who has had much external validation that he isn’t necessary or important. Also the way Horcruxes work is to feed off insecurity and target whomever they deem to be easiest to manipulate