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Good afternoon my good people!

Here is early access to the 3rd Harry Potter movie! This one was dope for sure. I'm not sure which one of the 3 is my favorite just yet but they have all been really good. I'll be working on the YouTube edit for this hopefully this week. Also thinking about starting on movie #4 in the next day or so!




The Stag that Harry saw at the lake is his Patronus. Each wizard has a different Patronus form, but Harry’s is the same as his dad’s.


The Marauder's map: Messrs Moony (Prof Lupin - werewolf), Wormtail (worm-like tailed rat bastard Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius's dog form), and Prongs (like the antlers on Jame's Potter's stag)


I love this series so much and I'll never get tired of watching people experience it for the first time :) can't wait for the next one!


joined the patreon to make sure i could follow the journey with you guys! Ready for the next one


just found your channel today, you guys are two of the best reactors in the game! Humor is on point fr can't wait for the next harry potter movie

Dana Launius

I've been wondering if you all would watch these. I watch some or all of these almost every year. I'm enjoying this so much! Thank you.

Dana Launius

4, 5, and 6 are my faves. Hold on, it launches off after this!


cant wait for the next reaction guys! Loving it so far


since you've watched this movie, some details to know: HARRY'S PATRONUS- the creature silhouette you saw harry conjure up is a stag (a male deer). it's the shape his corporal patronus takes when the patronus charm is used. wizards can produce either a corporal patronus or a non-corporal patronus (which means it doesn't take any kind of shape). harry's took the shape of a stag, because his father james turned into a stag (he was an animagus, meaning he can turn into an animal). it's symbolic of his father. REMUS WEREWOLF STATUS- remus is a werewolf which means he only turns during a full moon. usually, he takes a potion called wolfsbane, which stops his aggression, he keeps his human mind so he doesn't hurt anyone. but he didn't take his potion this night, that's why he went wild. the reason the whomping willow is even on hogwarts grounds, is because it was planted there for remus. so when he turned into a werewolf, he'd have a place to stay in to ride out his change. THE MARAUDERS MAP ORIGINS- since the movie didn't actually tell you, that marauders map was actually invented by 4 people (james potter, sirius black, remus lupin and peter pettigrew). they called themselves the marauders in school and were best friends. james was prongs sirius was padfoot remus was moody peter was wormtail because remus was a werewolf and was lonely during the full moon and would often hurt himself when changed, james, sirius and peter all became illegal animagus (people who turn into animals). they did this and they'd spend the full moon nights with remus in the shrieking shack as animals. this is also where their nicknames came from. being an animagus is also why sirius was able to escape azkaban, because he wasn't known as an animagus and therefore he was able to turn into a dog and slip past the dementors undetected. really enjoyed your reactions! can't wait for the next one!


You made polyjuice potion to pretend to be harry potter, but it went wrong and the only thing you got from it was his scar

Lucile Byrd

It would be great if yal reacted to the audiobooks, they are so much better. Also, the chocolate helps ease the symptoms of a dementor attack.


Love your genuineness. God bless you both so very much ❤️


A lot is missing from this book, I’ll try to explain it the best I can for you guys. So at the beginning when Lupin gives Harry the chocolate the reason why is because eating chocolate helps the brain create serotonin. This is a real life thing so the author also used it in the books. The reason this is important to know is because Dementors are said to drain the feelings of happiness and joy. The author said that when they came up with dementors they were going through a difficult time and that the dementors are represented as depression.


Secondly, yes we do have a different actor for Dumbledore in this film and here on out. Richard Harris was Dumbledore in 1 & 2. Sir Michael Gambon is Dumbledore in 3-8. I noticed you guys said that the other Actor seemed more warm and friendly. I do agree, both actors portrayed him differently. However I think it works perfectly with how the books and movies started to feel starting with this one and going forward.


So something that isn’t explained in this movie is how The Marauders are connected to Harry and how/ why they became Animagus’. This is going to be long because there’s a lot here. I’ll try to explain as much as I can without missing much or spoiling a lot. There’s four Marauders as seen on the map. One out of four was a Werewolf. The other three decided to turn into unregistered Animagi. What are Animagus? Hermione explained it in that Defense class with Snape. They elect to turn into an animal while a werewolf does not. The Marauders, who are they? They’re school friends who went to Hogwarts back in the Seventies. They were all in Gryffindor. They were considered Pranksters. Some in the fandom say they were bullies. They all had nicknames they called each other as well, which we also see on the Map. On the map when it says ‘Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, & Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map.’ Moony = Remus Lupin, Remus is a Werewolf. Which is why his Boggart is a Full Moon. He doesn’t like being a Werewolf, he views it as a curse. Which is why when Remus was talking to Harry on the bridge about his parents he seemed fond of Lily. Lily didn’t see him as a scary monster for being a Werewolf. She saw Remus as an intelligent caring human. Now on to the next, Wormtail = Peter Pettigrew. Wormtail aka Scabbers, Ron’s pet rat. Peter’s Animagus form is a Rat. So when Harry seen Peter on the map and couldn’t find him it’s because he was looking for a person. He wasn’t looking at the ground for a rat. Now I’ll explain more about Peter and everything he did and why in a different comment because that’s a lot more information. Padfoot = Sirius Black. Sirius’ Animagus form is of a Black Dog. Which is why his name is Padfoot, like an underside of a dog’s paw. Now Sirius Black is a part of the Ancient and Noble House of Black. The Black’s were pure bloods and always in Slytherin, just like the Malfoy’s. When Sirius got put in Gryffindor his mother, Walburga, (we don’t learn about her in the movies either) was incredibly disappointed and upset about him being Gryffindor. He was seen as an Outcast by his family. So he spent a lot of time over at James house, which is how he became Harry’s Godfather. (Now some fun facts, Sirius Black is Narcissa Malfoy’s, née Black, cousin. Sirius also has a little brother called Regulus Articulus Black. He’s important but we’ll talk about him in a much later movie.)Finally, Prongs. Prongs = James Potter, James is of course Harry’s father. James’ Animagus form is a Stag. The name Prongs comes from a Stag’s antlers.


Now to explain Peter. So something else that isn’t explained is, the Potters’ went into hiding and under Ministry Protection but why? You both have seen Order of the Phoenix so I can explain this and not feel bad. lol. They went into hiding because of the Prophecy that Professor Trelawney told Dumbledore. Now the prophecy is this: “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....” So the Potters went into hiding because Harry was born on July 31, 1980. (As the Seventh month dies.) Now, there’s this charm called the Fideleus Charm. Which means a location will remain hiding unless you are a Secret Keeper. So the best way to tell you about this is at the Beginning of the Order of Phoenix when Mad Eye Moody picks up Harry and goes to The Order Headquarters, aka Grimmauld Place. When the building shifted and began to show another townhouse. That was a Fideleus Charm that kept it hidden until you were shown (aka Mad Eye Moody hitting his cane on the ground to grant them access inside.) I believe it’s said in the books that one has to be told the Address of a location for the Charm to allow the person to see it. So Sirius Black was supposed to be the Secret Keeper for the Potters but they changed it last minute to Peter Pettigrew because everyone knew Sirius was closest to James and Lily so of course they would assume he was the Secret Keeper. Peter was/is a loyal servant to the Dark Lord. No one knew that they changed Secret Keepers so when the Potters died everyone assumed it was Sirius. That’s why he got sent to Azkaban and not Peter. Now Snape is also involved with the Marauders but that’s an entirely different story and also incredibly long. I’ll explain it if you really want to understand Snape more.


Now something for you both to have a laugh about. Fred and George both saw Ron sleeping with someone named Peter Pettigrew for 3 years before they gave Harry the map but not once ever questioned it. 😂


Alright, now for Hermione. How and why does she have a Time Turner (the necklace). Remember in the Second Movie she got petrified. So she didn’t attended or finish all of her classes. Now because of that Professor McGonagall got permission from the Ministry and the Department of Ministries to allow her to use one as long as she used it correctly and only for her studies. Remember that she was always just appearing in classes. It’s because she was taking every class that was available for a third year. Which is why Ron said there was no way she could take Ancient Runes and Divination because they were at the same time.


To explain Harry’s Patronus. His Patronus is a Stag because it is often regarded as a protector, it also indicates that you look out for others, as well as shine in leadership roles. Sounds just like our boy doesn't it?

Lance Barden

Obvs Adison got his scar when he was dusting the lightning bolt lamp behind him and it fell on his head :-P


Oh, something I forgot to mention. How did Sirius Black escape and why? Sirius saw that newspaper clipping of the Weasleys in Egypt, he saw Ron holding Scabbers and knew that was Wormtail. So that’s the why. How? He turned into his animagus form (which we saw at the very beginning of the movie when Harry was sitting on the curb near the park and saw a black dog. That was Sirius) and he slipped out without the Dementors knowing.

[ Just Mini ]

I have that same mic - and I say this because I know how well it picks up sounds, including the saliva in your mouth, as you chew, and the swallowing. :/ It's all very loud and...no, please. lol


Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this! I’ve never read the books and this answered so many questions!


There’s a lot missing throughout the movies that explain a lot of mundane things that we are just don’t know why we see. Lol. I still have to watch their Order of Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince