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We had a lot of fun watching the first Harry Potter movie so we had to check out the next one!! Hope ya'll enjoy the uncut reactions to the 2nd film. I'll be setting some time aside soon to film the reaction to the 3rd movie. Stay Tuned!




Hate to break it to you… there’s 8 movies. They split the 7th book into 2. Love that you’re doing HP.


ooohh this is going to be a long ride then! I'm down for it. It is refreshing to know that I don't have to wait year to year for each new release though. 2 down 6 TO GO! -Adison


just subbed for harry potter lmaooo,, sooo excited for the next movie!!! it gets sm darker after this movie!


If you watch on Peacock you get the deleted scenes!


one of the deleted scenes are so sad but a must to watch


Thanks for the info! Yeah we were on HBO Max for these but I definitely want to see some deleted scenes. We may can even go back and watch all of those for a separate video maybe. -Adison

Nik Vann

Just subbed for HP, LotR and Shadow and Bone. Love y'alls content so far. According to my 7yo, who is WAY into nature and went to an all-outdoor preschool: "slugs and snails are like the garbage trucks of nature. They eat stuff like dead leaves and other animal's poop, and poop out stuff that's good for the soil and ecosystem." You're absolutely correct that God doesn't make mistakes! That said, I did get nauseous watching Ron throw up slugs 🤢

Riki Andrews

You guys need to listen lol it was the Phoenixes Tears not spit


There's so much context that's missed from the deleted scenes


I’ll help fill in some gaps about things you guys are questioning about in the current movie without giving away spoilers. You both want to know why Harry isn’t allowed to use magic outside of school. The reason is there’s a Trace placed on the kids when born which is enforced by the Ministry of Magic. It’s against the law to perform magic underage because you could get caught by muggle’s and risk revealing their world.


You heard Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley mention the Ministry a bit in this movie. Within the Ministry there are seven departments. The First Department is Magical Law Enforcement (their courts, a section that deals with the improper use of magic aka the Restriction of Underage Magic, as well as the International Confederation of Wizards’ Statute of Secrecy, aka prevents Witch and Wizards performing Magic in front of muggles.) The Second department is for Magical Accidents and Catastrophes which is responsible for cleaning up any Magical damage done to both the Wizard World as well as the Muggle World.


The Third Department is The Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures which is divided into three divisions, the Beast Division, (so think of Werewolves and Fenir the Centaur you met in the first movie in the Forest) The Being Division (think of the Goblins at the Bank of Gringotts from the first movie as well) and lastly the Spirit Division, pretty self explanatory for ghosts and those types.


The Fourth Department is the International Magical Cooperation an agency that attempts to get witches and wizards from different countries to co-operate in wizarding actions both political and public. It includes the headquarters of the International Magical Trading Standards Body, the International Magical Office of Law, and the British seats of the International Confederation of Wizards. So think of this department like the Commonwealth Office for the United Kingdom.


The Fifth Department is for Magical Transportation, so just any way Witches and Wizards travel. By either Brooms, Flying Cars, the Floo Network (when Ron and Harry went through the Fireplace with Green Flames.), Portkey’s, so the Boot they used to get to the World Quidditch Match in the Fourth Movie (which I see you guys have watched.), and lastly another form which you won’t see until the Seventh Movie by one of the Golden Trio. (Harry, Hermione, and Ron.)


The Sixth Department is for Magical Games and Sports. So this deals with the Professional Quidditch teams and any events as well, such as the World Quidditch cup as well as the TriWizard Tournament that was in fourth year. This department had to work with the International Magical Cooperation department to help set up the Quidditch World Cup. So yes these departments do interact and coincide with each other. Maybe not as frequently with Departments other than Magical Law Enforcement but it does happen. lol


And lastly the Seventh and Final Department is the Department of Mysteries which studies particular enigmas (death, time, space, thought, and love) and stores copies of prophecies made. So in Order of Phoenix (which I see you guys have also watched.) when the DA (Dumbledore’s Army) went to get Harry’s Prophecy. This is where they were within the Ministry.


I see you two realized Lucius Malfoy was the one who placed Tom Riddle’s Diary in Ginny’s Cauldron at Borgin and Burkes. However, I want you two to think about something else. Remember when you saw Draco Malfoy ripping a page out of a book in that same shop. Now think back to when Harry and Ron found a page of a book in Hermione’s hand when she was petrified. It is a major Headcanon of fans that Draco placed that page in a book that he knew Hermione would eventually read about what was happening. Now remember this as well. Draco knew what was going to happen at the School because his father told him that the chamber was opened 50 years ago but he didn’t tell him who did it. We know this from when Ron and Harry visit The Slytherin Common Room in the Dungeons with the Polyjuice Potion they made.


Very late but this is an odd theory without much character rationale behind it. Draco hates muggles and worships his father... Draco is clueless about what is happening throughout... and... he tore out a page from a book that had one word on it? I think this is a theory seeking redemption for the character.

Tatum McCormick

I really want someone to have a Phoenix in Harry Potter and name it KFC 😂 That was hilarious, guys!