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Got a comment that I wanted to address with you guys!

Always with love,



I have to be honest with y’all…(7-5-2022 Patreon & YouTube Members Update)


Zeela's Food Adventures

Oh, have you guys seen Critical Role's Exandria Unlimited: Calamity? I'd love to hear your take on it!


(long reply ahead) I've been away for a bit, and coming back to catch up - I'm straight up puzzled by that comment! Sure, there are some channels that drop certain categories of new content on a specific (frequent) schedule. So maybe other viewers want the EDN to post as often. Those ppl don't realize that behind 1-2 content creators is often a team of editors and assistant writers! You guys have been super transparent about where you're at, the fact that Brandon has to drive in, etc. Maybe a solution would be to do some split screen kinda stuff, but 1) we love when y'all are in the same room, 2) there are so many other factors including editing like you said Addison. Either way, it's been so great seeing how much the channel has grown over time, we're all looking forward to what comes next. So much new content on all platforms! & SDCC panels be dropping all kinds of trailers and news this weekend. ex: Wheel of Time Origins dropped a new trailer, and Wheel of Time season 2 bts video looks hot. Anyway, we'll be here for you guys. :)