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First off I appreciate everybody's patience! Your support as we have dove into this series means a lot to me. With that being said here is early access to GoT season 2 episode 9 reaction. Is there anybody out there who felt that this episode was tougher to deal with than episode 9 of last season???



Fizz Ukeman

You guys asked: why you would let a lone ship sneak up on you like the Onion Knight did. The Onion Knight is a pirate. He's sailed all over the world getting in and out of tough ports. That is the ONLY reason he knows what wildfire looks like. In medieval naval warfare (before cannon), you frequently were not in any kind of chase with enemies. Boats sail VERY slowly. Also, there were no distance weapons that a fleet the size of Stannis' had to worry about; Arrows and ballista aren't very effective against a handful of Ships closing on you. You can put some holes in sails, but sails can still largely do their job with a few, small holes in them. A trojan horse boat carrying wildfire was the last thing the Onion Knight expected. Brilliant move by Tyrion!

Chris Riordan

Yeah as far as the Onion Knight letting a boat sneak up.... He was one of about 30 ships moving at like 15 mph toward kings landing. Boats don't have breaks. You can't just be like "oh shit, a boat, turn it around". Once they saw the other boat there was nothing they could do but attack it when it came closer.