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Only 2 more episodes left for Season 2!!! We are almost at the finish line. I may have said this about other things that we have watched but for real though...This might be one of the wildest series I have seen. ..




What Varys meant when he told Ned that “your mercy killed the king”: Ned was upfront about knowing the truth about the Queen and her brother because he wanted to protect their children, no blood shed as he always says. Yet that’s what made the Lannisters poison the king’s wine so that he’d be attacked on his hunt.

Konan Rose

I don't think they poisoned the wine, the Queen was sleeping with her cousin who is the Kings squire, I think they planned to get him very wasted so that an accident was bound to happen. They show a brief scene with Lancel Lannister offering him wine constantly on the hunt

Brian Clancy

Appreciate yall boys giving me something to binge w these reactions

Stef Furness

Calling naked Hodor not natural is wild to me - humans are the only ones who cover themselves and pay coin to make a space for themselves on this planet. If y'all summer children make it thru this show, Black Sails is another masterpiece worth watching w serious historic roots in the "civilizing" of pirates in the Bahamas.

Fizz Ukeman

Gonna go ahead and say it now: this is not historical fiction even if it is loosely based on the War of the Roses. This is medieval fantasy on a made-up planet which means that, if you've seen undead (we did in episode 1), you can expect magic, unnatural creatures (we have evidence that dragons once lived), and gods which may or may not actually be "real." Don't throw any possibility away gentlemen. :D