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This movie series is really something lol! Join us as we check out the 3rd Twilight movie in the series: Eclipse! I am currently working on the YouTube edit for this and hope to have it out soon.



Dana Launius

Eclipse and Breaking Dawn 2 are my faves! Brandon side eyeing Carianna for her appreciation of the Volturi torturer is priceless and had me laughing out loud.


this old man interrupting and distracrting adison n brandon


To be fair, Bella might be selfish but she is harmless. SHe kind of reminds me of Iron Man from the Marvel universe. Everyone spends a lot of time taking care of her, but the way she brings their family forward as a whole (by the time the movie franchise is done) is worth it. She gives them so much more than any of them could have imagined. She's also the underdog in the sense that, when the time mattered the most, she rose to the occasion (spoiler so im not gonna go in depth). Also, all of the other characters strengths and good qualities are only highlighted because of their interaction with her. Edward finds a reason to stop loathing his existence (because of his battle with the question of his soul), Jacob protectiveness comes out when he meets Bella and we can see a clear growth of his character from the first movie. Charlie takes the opportunity to start being the dad that Bella never had growing up, and we see is (awkward) warmth towards her (and even Edward). And Edwards family grows too. It's gotta be hard to grow as a vampire since you live forever, but Bella's character moves everyone forward. The only character thats Ehh is her mom tbh, like ma'am where are you? loooll

Kendra Frederick

The girl reactor does NOT know how to just shut up and watch. Super annoying with her repeat comments every 10 seconds. Looking forward to the reactions with the guys. More genuine and funny with them.