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hussam abdelalim

To be fair the goal of this battle is to capture the Palace, take it's supply of dance power and displace the king, so seeing the thing they are trying to get to go up in smoke may give them puase for thought


If the plan is bad I'm open to counterproposals. Personally I can't come up with anything _that_ much better. Her _good_ plans already failed. She successfully infiltrated Baroque Works and found out the identity of Crocodile, and left Luffy to try and beat him, while simultaneously trying to meet with Koza before the battle even started. Crocodile has sabotaged her good plans (and now her desperate plan) since the beginning. I think there's a fair chance the palace getting destroyed may be enough to get the royal army to surrendur and the rebels to accept their surrendur... at the very least reports are going to get back to Koza, and he absolutely did not order the palace bombed... so there either must be a third party, or something with the royal family isn't as they thought. I'm not saying it's a great plan; but like, what do you do to stop two legit armies from fighting? Vivi doesn't have a hope of finding Koza at this point; the rebel army in general isn't going to know of their friendship; there's no way she's getting to him.

Joseph C Gdaniec

I mean at this point all of Vivi's thought out plans have been foiled by Crocodile, so her plan to blow up the palace is a quick plan created from grasping at straws. She is basically thinking "the rebels want to take the palace, so blowing up and removing their goal might make them stop fighting long enough for me to talk to Koza" so I'm not sure what doesn't make sense about that. She is basically trying to do something attention grabbing enough to pause the fighting.