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"It doesn't matter if you ever know, it just matters if you try." Thanks for getting me to watch this again at least a week or so before I would have anyway. :-D

Crissy Brashear

Please go back and read all the names of the people in the containers. They’re on the screen on the Roci when checking in pre launch. I love the music of the show. But the final scene, the beautiful piece that plays them off…love it so much. It’s been fun, watching you enjoy this wonderful show as much as I did. Maybe do Battlestar since only one of you have seen it. I’d love to hear your thoughts and commentary.

George McKay

Perfect algorithm goddess. Loved the series


You definitely didn't try a re-read book club for Wheel of Time, but I get it. Or maybe you meant the WoT show so far? IDK... lol doesn't matter - I love that you loved this show because now I know you do have shows you love. It makes all the other reactions so much more poignant because there actually is a show you love. lol j/k I'm trolling you on your fear that people think you don't like things. Sorry, not sorry, but also sorry because you're awesome and I love your reactions and you're Canadian so I had to try to say sorry as much as possible. :-P


I'm in for the "definitely forty"-hour Expanseaganza.


Also, everyone else should pretend like they said 40 hours until they do it.


I also may have to be more specific and say what I mean by "they do it". Yeah, it's that they set up a 40-hour stream.


Also I noticed Nerdy didn't say "strong choice" or "interesting" too often in this reaction series so you know it's good.

Varun Laks

Great reaction to what is my personal favorite episode of the entire show. It's been awesome re-watching the series (yet again) with you both. I may not have always agreed with all your comments/ analysis (seriously you guys should rewatch Season 4 lol), but I've always appreciated both of your thoughts on the series nonetheless and it's very clear how much you both have loved the series. These were easily some of the best reactions I've seen and there were a lot of things you guys caught that others always missed. While I agree there probably isn't a point doing a second reaction to the series, I do hope you guys rewatch the series on your own sometime. The sheer depth of the writing is really apparent on re-watches. Hopefully this is only the end for now, and we can all do this again when they come back to adapt the final book trilogy in some capacity. I think the final three books are the best in the entire series. I'm still optimistic that it will happen once Amazon's rights to the Expanse IP ends. Alcon (the production company) is clearly very proud of this series, and it's been cool seeing them continue to support the series even after this final episode, with the Expanse Video Game, the Comic Book Series, and the Action Figure Kickstarter (which is live now for anyone interested btw). Until then, I hope you guys pick up the books. This is one of the rare series where I actually prefer the show over the books, but the books are still absolutely fantastic in their own right, and are a great companion piece to the show. It's fun comparing both the similarities and the differences between both versions. I also definitely recommend the ongoing Expanse: Dragon Tooth comic, because it follows the TV-show canon after the events of this finale and will lead up to the beginning of Book 7. And yeah, if you guys continue with the Expanse Telltale game, I'll definitely come back to Patreon for that!


And yeah I'm going to comment again because I really miss your reactions to The Expanse already and I know the Patreons want you to read the books. I listened to them on audiobook and the narrator is really good. Only listened/read in the last couple years - I wanted to after the show but got distracted and your reactions to the show helped me remember to read them - I highly recommend. I think you'll have even more appreciation for how well the show was adapted after reading the books, and then there's that extra 3rd of the story you haven't experienced yet.

Shawn Anomaly

I love the fact that Marco's end came via the scary 3rd party that's been getting built up since S4 and is likely prominent in the next trilogy. None of the typical main protagonist vs main antagonist, just an unexpected removal via the 3rd party. Other than that it's been an awesome year plus journey with you two! Enjoyed watching you two go through this adventure! For now, Oyedeng Beltalowda...Oyedeng!!!

Nume Hall

Loved the reaction and the finale. I think you can see now why so many of us who are watching the reactions have watched many different reactions :). I always end up just getting the urge to watch the Expanse again at various times and end up looking for new reactions to the show. I think I've watched ~9 at this point (along with watching the whole show through with my nephew and his wife after having watched it myself) lol. Yours was definitely a fun one though. I especially like how much you appreciate all the technical elements and point them out. There are times you'll mention how they do something to achieve an effect and I'll realize I noticed the effect it had but now how they did it and I like hearing about that stuff.

matthew h

The best way to continue enjoying The Expanse is to watch a good reaction video. :) Really enjoyed this journey with you guys and look forward to hearing what you think about the books.


Not to make light of all the other writers who were instrumental in making this happen (and who are WAY more experienced at writing for TV) ,but I think part of why its such a good show AND adaptation is that they had the authors as part of the writers room the whole way through, not just consulting and providing advice like you normally see in adaptations. Way easier to adapt a grand poignant speech from the books when you can literally just throw it to the author who wrote that speech in the first place and go "Hey, you nailed it in the original iteration, so just go ahead and tweak it a bit to fit better in this version of the story." Like, Naomi's speech at the end was one of my favorite parts of that book (probably one of my favourites in the series), and I'm so glad they were not only able to do it justice, but I'd say maybe even improve upon it thanks some stellar musical accompaniment.


Expansaganza!!! I'm in! I am sooo not ready for this to be over.


can't wait for the Expanseaganza.

Etta Eskridge

I haven't seen it mentioned yet but Naomi's scream was unscripted and took Steven Straight by surprise as he was sitting next to her at the time! It fits perfectly and the next scene where Jim is holding her while she vents her grief is very moving. Filip makes his exit in the books in a much different way so it was a lovely nod from the writers to the book readers to alter it just enough to keep us guessing about what happens to him in the end! Thank you for an amazing journey for a show that is definitely my GOAT. You were an amazing team together!


I can't believe we are here, at the finish line. I love this show so very much and I had a blast watching it all with yall. Reactors are the only way I've coped with finishing this show. It truly is an S tier show. Thank you so much for letting us join you. Whatever Expanse content you put out, book club for the books, playing through the game, ttrpg, or just talking about the show, I'll be there. Thank yall so much. Oyedeng Beltalowda!!!

Garrett Sharpe

"How much did this cost???" Oh, about 4 episodes worth. Now you know why it was only a 6 episode season. lol

Xavier Garand

What a ride!!! You did it! Honestly props for you to be able to watch this once a week. I Binge that thing quite fast! Yeah looking forward for the live, and hope you read the books (also there is 9 books, but also a 10th called Memory's Legion which contain all the novella side story you can read it in between books when appropriate)

Xavier Garand

ps: Don't do another Space sci-fi just yet, I feel it would simply be compared to Expanse and might not live up to expectation, I suggest other genres for a while first.

Richard Craig

A great journey with you all! I want 7,8, and 9! There are some rumors brewing that AppleTV+ may pick the show up. They’ve become the new home for quality sci-fi

Garrett Sharpe

The one good thing Marco ever did for Fillip was being such a hungry for the spotlight narcissist that he never showed his son on screen or gave him credit for any of the terrible things he did for his father. The best thing Fillip can hope for is anonymity so he won't get tried and executed for war crimes.

Dan Pettit

Thanks guys. It's been fun watching along.

Dan Pettit

Oh, and I would absolutely watch the 'Expansaganza"!

stuart greenley

Thanks you two! It has been a ride!!!!

Michael Campion

Fun watch-along! I would absolutely watch an Expansaganza. The writing is so purposeful and tight throughout the series that it's probably one of the few shows that would be able to support doing one. And, also, Season 4 happened. Any ideas on what's going into the Expanse-shaped hole on the schedule?

Sayit uğurlu

Ring to Ceres took 6 months. So, it has been 6 months since she think she kill his son.

Michael Rubinstein

As much as I would like to believe it, those so-called "rumors" appear to be nothing but speculation from clickbait website extraordinaire, Screen Rant. I hate that website. They are the sci-fi equivalent of a sleazy tabloid, churning out purely speculative fan-service articles with sensationalistic headlines clearly intended to mislead, and it works, because people keep clicking and sharing as though it's legitimate news. It's not.


From Daniel Abraham, When we meet Holden he's refusing a job from a place of immaturity. When we leave him he's refusing a job from a place of maturity.

Alan Sako

I love that the show comes full circle - or maybe a spiral, as all the characters have grown from where they started. We start with the ice hauler Canterbury and then we end with the ice hauler Giambattista.

Shawn Anomaly

Yeah, there's them and then the one YouTuber who keeps making vids with clickbait titles basically stating that The Expanse is back. He got me the first time only to see him show no evidence that the show was back. Just tons of speculation about chatter. Hate that there's folks out there willing to do that all for the sake of clicks/views.

Emily Millikan

This watch was the first time I picked up the visual callback to when we first meet Bobbie on Mars and she sends up projectiles from her suit. This show is so good!

Marcin Struś

What a journey, cant wait for you guys to do the bookclub of the books

Alexandre Antunes

naming the rocinante as the goddess of this episode is chefs kiss! Followed you through it all, would do it again! Definitely do read the books (and bookclub them!)

Varun Laks

I'm sure the Roci-crew also waited a bit before going through the Sol-Ring, just to be safe and extra sure that the Entities were no longer in it lol. So it probably took them a bit longer than even that to get back to Ceres.


When I first watched this and saw Holden put Drummer in, I laughed for a solid five minutes at the blatant manipulation and the implication of that character growth from James. It was great. Now, I will be very interested to see how they handle books 7-9.


Thank you so much for your reactions! It was great to rewatch the series with you. I hope you read the books and give us your thoughts on it. The last books are great. And the prologues make much more sense for this season if you do.

Tristyn Waterman

I agree with you guys that there didnt need to be a 1v1 battle with marco afterwards. it's definitely better that marco's undoing was a result of characters choices and actions instead of just which ship the writers decided could fight better


I was right there with you, Nerdy. Dominique Tipper needs more work, because she's incredible. I really freakin' hope someone picks up the last three books. Are you guys mebbe going to do the Amazon extras as one reaction? Has there ever been another show that drastically dealt with the themes of inequality, racism and structural unfairness and actually came to a conclusion rather than reverting to the status quo?


I loved this show so much I watched a YouTube video summarizing the major differences between books 1-6 and the show so I could immediately read books 7, 8, and 9 without much confusion. Then I read 1-9 and rewatched the show. I really hope they give us a few more seasonsfor 7-9.

Ciaran McSavvy

Congrats on reaching the end of your first watch through. This was my fourth but watching it along with you guys made it feel like the first all over again.


Honestly even beyond the emotional and narrative beats of killing Marco with the red rings, it also is such a brutal blow to Marco himself to die that way. No glorious last night, no heroic final battle, no martyring execution by oppressors, he just disappears while passing through the ring and nobody ever sees him again. One second he is there, the next he is gone, and that is probably the way he'd want to go least.

Justin Plocheck

Not sure if anybody told yall but the x-ray has 5 extra scenes for episodes 1-5. Its up in the top left hand corner during the episodes. Then look in the bonus content tab. Would love to watch yall react to them too.

Jason Dokos

I'll have you know, Naomi never finds out that Filip survived.

Varun Laks

They're reacting to them on Youtube. They've uploaded reactions to the first three X-Ray episodes so far.


I can see this. Imagine feeling like both your parents let you down hard, with one outright abandoning you. I wouldn't try to find her either.

The Modulator

You will love the books. My favorite aspect is experiencing events from the point of view of characters such as Miller, Marcos, and even the protomolocule! Imagine Marcos' experience as he is dismantled by the red stuff.


I would 100% Watch both the Recap LIvestream as well as you both playing the telltale game!

Christophe Schannes

Yeah the books are great. Although the last few books got a bit too melancholy for my taste, at times somewhat depressing and joyless to get through. Plus, I didn't really enjoy the character of Tanaka. But the story is amazing and it's all round very well told. I think I enjoyed the short stories and novellas more than the last few books though ^^

Etta Eskridge

Pretty much why I support every reactor to The Expanse out there. The more traction these shows get, the more likely we get the last three books put to the screen! We can always hang on to that hope!!

M DeVries

I definitely need to catch up on these reactions! I watched a bunch of them last year and then got distracted by job issues, but am looking forward to catching up. (Related to science fiction reactions: any interest in the new Netflix adaptation of 3 Body Problem?)

Peter Jurmu

It'd be great if you find time to do some commentary on the series as a whole, now that you're done. I started watching The Expanse on Syfy back when they had a brief flare of creativity in their programming (this, Channel Zero, etc) and it's been amazing to watch this series catch on with anyone who encounters it. Thanks for all the time and thought and commentary so far.


Two words: Donkey balls