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Commissioned by Arezoo! Thank them in the comments!!




Thanks Arezoo you're a gem!!!

Kevin Morris

I always read the Penrod election as you aren't supposed to know much about him. The book is mostly from elend and vins perspective. They don't even consider Penrod as a threat so they do not think about him or his policies while there are more immediate threats. Same as how elend kept putting off the assembly dealing with actual threats instead of the politics of keeping the assembly happy with him. Especially since Elend already manipulated Penrod into nominating him. We are supposed to be at this point thinking what's going on with the most and how are they going to deal with straff or cett or the koloss, so we are blindsided just like the characters. It's a writing style choice that leaves you on a big dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the part kinda like the penultimate episode of a TV season. It makes it hard to discuss immediately after but for me at least makes me want to keep reading to find out what happens next.