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Adam Lewis

I didn't read the previous comments about Ave Maria. I will now scroll down and read them LOL. Agree about reactions being honest. I didn't find the song choice that odd for the moment, but everyone is different. I don't fault you for your reaction.


I feel like that's the point though... Oda writes flawed characters. All of them (...almost). This series is bursting with gray. And he's not going to stop any time soon. If we take the "loving violence" seriously, then I think we should also take the townsfolk calling her a "witch" seriously. That wasn't a throwaway line. They legitimately think she's a monster, and with pretty good reason. Oda intentionally makes her come off as creepy, selfish, and even abusive. She isn't good or bad inherently, she just is. And it's double relevant for Chopper and his story. Hiruluk had a good heart and wanted to help people, but no skill, so he caused harm despite his intentions. Kureha had genius-level skill, but a horrible personality, so caused harm despite her abilities. Having inherited Hiruluk's empathy and Kureha's knowledge, how far will Chopper go? All the way to the One Piece!!! XD I think there's definitely some selfishness, pride, and expectation wrapped up in watching reactions. I watch One Piece reactions, paradoxically, to both (A) hear new perspectives that I hadn't considered before about a series I love so much and (B) re-experience the same emotions I did the first time along with someone else. Typically both those things play pretty nice together. But hearing you crack up while I was literally crying broke the moment for me and really rubbed me the wrong way. That doesn't make me right and you wrong. You laughed, and I got mad at you for laughing. Who cares. I'd much rather continue following you on this journey. One Piece is too amazing to let a single moment like that derail the experience, and I hope anyone giving you real crap in the comments is able to take a breath and step back long enough to see that. We both love this story, so why not focus on that! It's gonna be awesome.