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Kuro's biggest weakness (aside from overconfidence) is his catlike tendency to play with his food


Garp's name is Monkey D Garp LOL ,now prepare, the show gets so much better the next four episodes IMO.


Have some fun facts that are on the level of the Garp reveal but never get brought up in the main story, just details posted alongside the story in supplemental material. I can delete my comment if people think it’s too revealing. In the episode, Kuina is revealed to be a Shimotsuki. It’s a name that’s brought up way down the line. Also Claroos is on point. Zoro and Kuina aren’t siblings but they are second cousins.


It's really fun that Garp got revealed to you in the live action! I heard that there was a lot of pushback in including him this early on but I thought it was a really strong addition. Can't wait to see what you think of him in future episodes! Also I ALSO cried when I heard we are hahaha


Zoro and usopps backstories are probably the weakest of the live anime adaption. Not to say they are bad but the others were just done so much better. Glad the Garp reveal wasnt too big of a deal 👍🏽

hussam abdelalim

I do think the show is for everyone it is just hard to recommend, 1) 1K + episodes, 2) the art style is "too cartoonish", 3) pacing issues, all make it hard to start.

hussam abdelalim

if you are interested in the kiss with the nose edited in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4qea_or1JA

hussam abdelalim

the most horrible villain in the show killed Kuina..... Down D. stairs


Fun fact, Garp played a minor role as Luffy's grandpa in one of the 2 one shot chapters named Romance Dawn, and even was used as the character who gave Luffy his hat. However, this was likely never going to be in the first chapter of the actual One Piece manga, Oda for some reason wanted to keep Shanks a secret until the first chapter also named Romance Dawn


Shimotsuki is the name of the village they're from. The fact that that's also her surname should be interesting enough in itself


Fun fact, Samuel L Jackson and Whoopi Goldberg are ALSO big One Piece fans, as well as Dua Lipa.


Phew, through with the First 4 Episodes , now we can get started ✌️