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His plan was to destroy the roci and the belter's lithium while technically not killing Holden. Then it became to kill everyone. He works for a security contractor not directly to the UN so he has motivations to kill the belters and Holden seals his fate to Murtree when he says he would back the belters. Why he said not leaving it up to the courts to decide.

Tristyn Waterman

I know it's only actually a minor thing for you and you do love the show but it doesn't feel that way the last few episodes. I gotta be honest the harping so much on what seems like nitpicky things for *so* long is kinda killing the vibe and making me not so excited to watch your discussions. Yeah the stuff that doesn't land so well can stick out more when the rest of the show is so good but I wish you'd spend a little more time on the good too