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The taveren thing vs the writers just going full plot convinience in the show is basically the difference. RJ had his moments with plot armor but the taveren aspect was something always shown to be very random and hard to understand while also making sense in-world. Loghain just being there in Carhien for Rand is just bad writing because they needed him to be there because they needed to give Rand a teacher of some kind since he hasn't had Lan and all of his dad interactions are basically cut. They really dropped the ball with tar valon before caemlyn and the fact that Rand is actually hooking up with Lanfear. Hilarious that the show has that happen considering denying her and the DO is kind of one in the same to Rand. Elias is being cagey for the same reason Moraine was pointlesly cagey in S1. If he isn't there's no mystery or interesting things to Perrin's plot since it's behind track. Moraine and Elias have no reason to be cagey except for dramatic reasons.

Joe White

The actress playing Elayne is the bomb


Spoilers from later in the series: Moraine got Logain sent to Carhien because that is where her family is and it is where she thinks that she has a power base. She intended to get Rand and use Logain to train him. Rand hearing about Logain being in the city and then making a plan to find him is definite Ta'veren stuff.