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Full Book Spoilers!



Perry Wolf

Nerdy, I hate to say it, but if you try comparing the changes they made in the show to the books, you'll definitely spiral down the funnel of negativity. There's a lot in the show that doesn't make sense, even more so if compared to the books. The Critical Dragon, in his review with Phillip Chase for S02:EP01, says it well. Paraphrasing: You can't really watch any adaptation and pick it apart by the differences it has with the books, but instead you should look at what the adaptation is doing, then compare it with what the source material established. The changes on the surface are superficial. You have to look at what the original did. How it did it, why it did it, and the meaning behind it. Then you look at the show and figure out how it's addressing that meaning. How it's addressing each story beat. In other words, picking on the show's differences is naught but a journey into frustration. Instead, you have to look deeper. Is the show encompassing the source material's meaning, it's feel, it's over arching story. Unfortunately, imo of what I've seen thus far, Rafe and company are completely throwing out Jordan's overarching storyline, or at the very least, core components of it. I actually wouldn't be too upset about this, but the saddest part is they're doing a horrible job at it. The show's writing contradicts itself more often than not. I've been enjoying The Sword and the Pen Reflections' reviews, (on YouTube), of this show. She read The Eye of the World as she watched the show, and was making comparisons, but her reviews quickly transformed into critiques of the show itself. She's a freelance editor by trade and her experience in the industry shows as she picks apart what the show is doing wrong, both in it's adaptation and it's own story/writing. She actually said exactly what Nerdy said here, if you change things this early in the story, core things, the ripple effect will cause huge problems within your own story. She makes very good points as to why the show is both not working within it's own story, nor as an adaptation. I find her videos very insightful and entertaining!


I've heard about those and seen those videos a bit. It's just more bookcloak ranting for something that the series isn't trying to be.

Scott H.

Nerdy is correct, in the books a channeller can see another chaneller glow when they embrace the source. It's one of the reasons it's so dangerous for Nyneave and Elayne to even touch the power when they're anywhere near any Seanchan.