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I also was not so happy with this ending. Rand taking a vacation seems ok for me (in my head cannon he comes back to his 3 women eventually as he can always find them through the bond) and Tam lighting the pyre definitely hits me in the feels but the rest is weird. How did Moridin and Rands soul switch bodies? There is a special link between these 2 but this still is unexcepted. Yes the slavery issue is not resolved immediately which i don't see as such a big problem as in my head cannon the cultures of Randland and Seanchan will become closer and slavery will eventually stop as the progress in the world continues. And as others have pointed out Jordan did set up a possible sequel which would have continued that Seanchan story line but which sadly will never be written. Still this is not the ending that satisfies after 14 books for me either.

Michael Viggiano

Loved the ending. Loved that the slavery issue was not resolved. Never thought it would be and felt both realistic and like the 4th Age is something that will still have challenges to be addressed. Really disagree on the thematic aspects of the ending. This was a story about how the idea of original sin that ruined the utopia is a myth and that one hero dying to provide salvation for everyone else was also a myth. Rand had to accept that others could bear some of the burden and that it was not all his to own and suffer through. Let them be heroes. He also had to realize that the moral of the series events is that while the DO is evil, he was not the source of evil and there are different kinds of evil. Mashadar was the evil of zeal in pursuit of good. The Children were the evil of corrupted good intentions. Different darkfriends represented the evil of greed or the evil of lust and so on and so forth. The common thread is that the evil came from the choices of the world. Killing the devil won't change that because the devil is only as successful as humans allow him to be by choosing evil. That is perfectly executed. Warm and fuzzies aside, i think the characters and plot are solid but not fantastic. It felt very Sandersonesque. The thematic execution is what took the book to the fantastic level for me because it has been built on the whole series. So we disagree entirely I think but glad you guys got to the end and hope it was worth it!