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You were thinking of Frozen - All is Found


Firstly- Anna "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." 😂🤣😂 So spot on, and I never want her to be disappointed in me. Also, so BSG reactions after Expanse is done? 🙏

Ryan Wright

The builders sent the protomolecule to make roads throughout the universe. After they were built, something else started destroying them. The builders tried shutting down the ring gates and destroying solar systems to save themselves. It didn't work.


Drummer is the Algorithm Goddess of every episode she appears in. This is law.


You had some interesting theories at the end. A nice balance of right and wrong. 😜

Ezra Wyrd

Are you aware the show audio is in this video? Don't think y'all usually leave that in and I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the copyright gods


What are the chances we get episode 13?

Adam Pacio

Double this. The PM Creators lived billions of years ago. Our solar system wasn't done cooling all the way. They sent out the PM to build a highway here so by the time we were done cooling they could case the joint for resources or intelligent life. They don't think of us as intelligent beings (Miller's "Monkey -- Mozart" speech to Holden on the way in). So they don't care if they destroy our entire solar system any more than modern humans care if they pave over an anthill to put in a superhighway.

Thomas Menard

Id love for you guys to watch BSG on here!

Megan D

I second BSG reaction after you are done with The Expanse!

Mitchell Edward Newton

She's broadcasting on an emergency network. Can't just be shut down and is meant to be accessible to all. It's not Halo. It's just a ring-shaped space object.

Matt Vallejo

Y'all missed the gist of Holden's explanation, no fault though, it's confusing. Great vid again. FYI - The Protomolecule isnt a weapon. It's something created by a civilization and sent out to different systems billions of years ago, trying to "establish roads". One of its jobs was to build the ring and report back. Something else started wiping out the builders and so the Ring Station started destroying systems through the gates to try and stop them. The rings are a mechanism to travel/communicate back to the hub, not weapons.


awww where'd it go?

Thoth Process

From one of the comments above, the show audio was left in, so it likely got taken down to be remixed without the show audio.

T. Arnold Ferguson

Your comments about The Expanse reminding you of Halo have been echoed by others reactors, and some have mentioned Mass Effect, Ty has been asked if they took any inspiration from these games, or if it was the other way around, and he has said “no,’ but is not surprised by the similarities sine he and the creators of these games have all been inspired by early sci-fi writers like Asimov. Bradbury, Pohl, etc., etc. In some ways, it’s funny that you all (and I’m including all other reactors to the show) are so young you don’t realize that these ideas have existed before video games and TV were ever around.