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Loved loved loved Huyang's conversation with Sabine where he is absolutely brutal, and yet remains supportive..... that line "The only time you are wasting is your own" just HITS. He's just ripping out all her self doubt.

Ciaran McSavvy

I kinda love your Marrok is Ezra theory, but not sure how it would work, can't see how he would've made it back to this Galaxy if Thrawn can't, but also not sure how Asohka has been hearing whispers of Thrawn if he's stuck in another Galaxy so maybe there's more to it. You can tell Filoni is trying to pay homage to the Zahn series in a lot of this so far, hopefully he can incorporate even more as it plays out. Feels like he could swap out many of the OG characters from those books with the rebels characters pretty seemlessly