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It’s always fun at the end of the episode where you brainstorm what is coming next. Sometimes you hit the nail on the head, sometimes your right but not in the way you think, and sometimes you are way off. It’s really fun when you realize which one is which. The genius of this show is that is always keeps you guessing.

Thomas Murray

Just my two cents on your last comments Nerdy. I think one of the reasons some people may get annoyed with your thought process when watching your reactions is that a lot of people are not deep watchers. You watch deeply. You see patterns and minutia and frequently have discussions about all sorts of things. Sometimes your discussions are about strong opinions you hold and sometimes they are almost trivial. Many people don't consume media this way. They only comment/talk about the stuff they see as important or care about, and assume that's how other people watch shows. Their opinion is, why would someone go on a 2-minute discussion about an aspect of the show if they didn't have a very strong opinion about it? In short, when you "geek out" about something some people may assume that means you have very strong opinions, when the reality is, you're simply geeking out. I say "geeking out" because these misunderstandings happen the most when we get excited about the little things and people misapply where our passion is coming from. I know I'm in no place to give YouTube advice but your reactions channel is one of my favourites a lot of people would agree with me and one of the reasons is your unique take on things. I wouldn't change that too much to appease a few people who simply won't be happy. You mentioned things you could improve on but I think you kinda already do the only thing you can do already, which is just emphasise when you're discussing something that isn't hugely important or isn't taking any of your love away from a character, or your opinion of the episode or show overall. I think you do a good job of this already some people will just never be happy.

Thomas Murray

Just to clarify also, I'm not saying the above is the only reason but I think it's an often overlooked one for people who have our type of thought process and consume media in the way that we do, as I'm the same and I encounter the same type of reaction from people.