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This movie was NOT what we expected but thank you for picking this as the July Patron Pick of the Month!!! It's truly one of a kind!



Tom M

Ahhh, the first, original GITS. The cyberpunk icon, the legend with outstanding animation, music and brilliant, heady content and even some body horror when Major's body is breaking apart. Mamoru Oshi made some interesting movies after that, but nothing as good. Even if retro-cyberpunk "Avalon" made in Poland in 2001 was weirdly interesting. I remember how funny it was to watch it, see subtitles in Japanese and suddenly realise that it is all infact in Polish, but somehow different because dialogues were spoken for Japanese audience. I've watched all Ghost in the Shell anime movies and tv series, so when the live action movie hit big screens I was very hesitant to watch it. In the end it was...a bit enjoyable, but certainly the most primitive of all GITS movies and anime series. Race swaps for the Major was just one of less annoying decisions, but was still bad. You might want to try the first season of GITS: SAC - it is different because was more based on the manga. Or at least listen to Origa's songs for the intro of the show. Take care!


This is one of my go to comfort movies. It has SUCH a vibe. In the 80s and 90s there was a series of tone poem movies like Baraka. Movies where the director just went to a place and filmed it’s beautiful and put together a narrative based on the emotions the images can draw out rather than any dialog. That was hugely influential on the still scenes in this film. Also much of the complaints leveled against the live action movie is that a white woman stole an asian woman’s role… but the plot of the movie quite literally deals with an asian woman having her identity stolen from her and covered up with a new fake identity of a white woman. It’s a commentary on itself which actually elevates it and makes it kinda based. I’d also recommend doing a rewatch of this in English some time if you wanna dive more into what it’s saying. The translation isn’t exact but it gets the point across much easier. The sequel is fantastic and is a true cyberpunk noir/detective mystery where Batou and Togosa try to solve a murder. The Ghost in the Shell live action borrows a lot of imagery and ideas from that film and the two stories don’t exactly mesh as a cohesive narrative.