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So we've come to a rather difficult crossroads here that is unfortunately my fault. In my usual process of moving footage from our recording computer to my editing Mac the footage for episodes 17x18+19 of season four have been lost.

I fucked up, and I'm sorry for that.

At the same time given everything it feels like the universe itself telling us to abandon ship on this show. I think many of you will go with it. I understand that. We never set out to dislike anything and it's a shame how this turned out.

If you search the comments on any of our Attack On Titan videos people have mentioned a plethora of reactors you can go watch enjoy this show.

Be kind to one another.


Brandon Duckett

I haven't been following the drama, but I'm a firm believer that people are allowed to not like things. And reactors should be allowed to stop reacting to things that they're just not into. Especially when people treat them with such disrespect and threaten danger and harm upon them. I'm so sorry this is going on in your lives and I wish you guys nothing but the best. Never hide who you are, never continue things you don't want to, and never lose your spark guys. Take care.

Thomas Menard

Can you follow it with Foundation? Ive been looking for someone to react to it


That's fine. Maybe we can get more The Expanse reactions each week.

alexander rios

No please continue you have made it this far


of course it is your guys’ choice to continue or not, but i’m just a bit confused. i thought nerdy was still enjoying the anime? i totally understand clarus wanting to stop as she hasn’t been enjoying it for a long time now. did losing these episodes cause the drop of the show or did these last few episodes change nerdy’s opinion again? i’m sad you guys won’t see the ending considering it’s so close! either way it’s been fun watching and i’m sorry having a different opinion brought so much negativity and hate towards you guys! hope things lighten up and you guys can enjoy future shows :)


Honestly, I think it’s for the best. Y’all didn’t seem like you were enjoying it too much anyway.

ARS22309 IJustWantToLikeComments

Oh noooooo!!! It's a shame, I don't like AoT so I never got the chance to superchat you during book club to tell you how much you suck... because of AoT reactions.. that I didn't watch.... cuz, well.. I don't like AoT lol. Anime really isn't my bag, not specifically AoT. But I did enjoy the occasional lunatic bleeding into other topics lol


this makes me really sad, I started following you because of AOT, I really like how your point of view is different from mine and as much as I don't agree with many, it makes me see the show in different ways than I hadn't thought of that before, it's been something unique that I don't often see from other creators, I'd really like to follow up with you for the rest of the story


That is unfortunate, even tho there might have been things I didn't agree with yall at times, I still enjoyed your reactions. Not sure if yall are still planning on releasing future episode reactions. If yall do decide not to, I hope you both enjoy the rest of the show.


:( I have been enjoying your different take on the show.

Eugene Conner

That's a shame. I respect the contrary opinions you guys provided to the show.

david ammerman

That's really sad. I'm sorry some of the people made the experience so terrible for you guys. I hope you two finish the series on your own and get some enjoyment out of it


It’s perfectly fine, go enjoy other shows, and hopefully enjoy and finish Full metal alchemist


What a shame aot was the only good thing on here


Oo, do Sense 8! Very different fandom from AoT. Much more of an inclusive mind set. Of course, if you don't do Sense 8, I'm still going to hang out here for Book Club and Expanse, so do what suits you!


If you ever decide to finish it on your own time, please try out the dub. I think you’d enjoy it more.


I'm confused are they dropping the show on YouTube and on Patreon as well?


Aot fandom is fine maybe don't generalize and see the dynamic between their reactions

Dario Schiller

As long as Expanse stays I will too :)


I never got past the first season. What annoyed me about it was how you had walled cities to defend against titans. The characters seemed totally oblivious to the carnage the titans could do, and yet this is what they were training for. I never made sense to me.

Daniel McClure

Guys don’t please you have to go to the end I will give you $100 to do so

Luis Castro

I just got here and I have to go now? Damn!!

Sam M

I really really want to see you guys finish it. You've come so far and there's not much left now. I want to hear your thoughts on numerous things that are still yet to come.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Well thanks for the reactions, can't say it's been great lol ups and downs, could've been better for sure. Take care and see you on YT for other stuff hopefully ones that you will like.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Someone mentioned that on discord they said they did not like episodes 18-19 so maybe that's why I don't know


yeah that would make sense, i figured it had to be something like that if they’re giving up entirely. if they made it this far already it doesn’t seem like the hate comments would be the whole reason 😅

Leon Sims

Man just finish the show 😂 everybody is so serious. You’ll either like the ending or not. It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re enjoying it, that’s all that matters, because you are going to have ppl watch you react to it regardless even if they don’t like yur opinions 😂

Leon Sims

Nah they are not dropping the show don’t listen to her 😂


Well the walls were pretty effective for 100 years so I don’t see your point.


For anyone still looking for attack on titan reactors I follow Beauty and the beard. I think I saw someone else post about them under another post but they are really good. I wish nerdy nightly all the best. AOT just wasn't for them and it showed in the reactions. Hopefully they have a lot more fun with their other shows.


Anyone who thinks the dub is bad is just a purist who will never think any dub is good.


This isn't a series that spoonfeeds, and then they love making wild assumptions based on their own incorrect ideas on how this series works, so I'm not surprised at all they gave up. This is a more nuanced series than they're looking for. Granted, I was entertained by how left field they've gone occasionally, but I'm not surprised.


you have to try to keep in mind that it’s their first watch. it’s hard to keep track of everything that goes on, so i completely understand where they’re coming from. i had a tough time on my first watch too. there’s so much you can miss. i appreciate their honesty and being open about it not being their favorite in comparison to other reactors who just say they love it with no questions asked. the fact that the series doesn’t spoon-feed is where all of the crazy theories and different opinions come from, and that’s part of the fun imo. all that being said, i don’t think they deserve to be insulted or receive death threats all because of a simple difference of opinion. i’m also not surprised they dropped it, i just was curious as to what the actual reason was. aka did nerdy change his mind on liking the series again 😆 i already knew where clarus stood.

Kristof Molnar

It wasn’t nice for people to mention other reactors in your comments. As much as we can disagree that’s a really bad move. Wish you the best.

Kristof Molnar

To all your problems we got answers in the show. It just doesn’t give you all of them right at the beginning.

Kristof Molnar

Some of their critiques were well founded and interesting indeed. There’s a reason why people still watched them even after disagreeing.

Kristof Molnar

The dub is mixed at best let’s be real. There are some good actors and moments for instance like Erwin’s charge but that’s it.


Disagree, again. It’s just my opinion. I watched the show in both sub and dub, sub first, and I still prefer the dub. I find it easier to watch, the lines sound less clunky, and I prefer every characters dub va over their sub except for Eren.


If you guys are going to react to another show/anime, have you ever watched Death Note? I feel like you enjoy when the story is centered around interactions between characters instead of getting caught up in a magic system. I feel like you'd really enjoy Death Note!

The Quadfather

@Kristof Molnar Eh… no. I think people like me kept watching because we DO like them as reactors in general. It doesn’t necessarily mean we think their critiques were well founded just because we held out hope and kept watching. I mean obviously some of their critiques were since it’s just a matter of opinion on some stuff. But the frustration amongst a lot of people was specifically because we didn’t find a number of them were well founded. That’s gotta be one of the biggest aspects of this whole debacle.

Misty Antonio

i was dying to see two brothers 😩 and SO close to some other big reveals i was hoping to see where your thoughts lie with the show after that cause until you get that FULL scope and perspective of the show, you’re missing some crucial puzzle pieces still.

Misty Antonio

i still don’t think you’d like the other big turning points but i would have loved to see what you disliked about it either way. best of luck!


I hope you guys change your minds at least plan to finish it on patreon.

The Quadfather

Honestly I think this is probably fine. You guys are not enjoying it, and it really does seem like a decent chunk of the audience isn’t enjoying it. So really who is this for at the end of the day? It’s better to pick a show you actually like or at least don’t hate and as a result have an audience that likes the reactions. Win-win.

The Quadfather

@Zyrus Wrong. I love the Evangelion Netflix dub. It’s my favorite version. DBZ Funimation dub is my favorite. Death Note dub is pretty good. The AOT dub as a whole blows chodes. There’s a few good performances but as a whole it’s not very good. I hate Erin’s dub voice which that alone makes it unwatchable for me.

Amber A

Hey, you know sometimes a show just doesn't mesh, and that's fine. Y'all are great, and the honesty is always appreciated. Truly, you all gave it a hell of a shot, going this deep, no one can say you didn't give it a fair shake. I hope whatever comes around next is something you'll enjoy more than you did this one. Someone else mentioned Sense8, and I would heartily recommend that as well. it's pretty short at two seasons, with 2 special episodes (one between S1 and S2, and one to cap the show off). Orphan Black is pretty rad, though it's also very Canadian (better chance that you've seen it, perhaps).


Come on, I like Death Note, but you need to believe some kind of logic that doesn't work that way and they are some deus ex-machina


That's fine. I hope I wasn't too much of an asshole in my season 3 comments, but I think this is probably for the best for everyone. I wish you all the best for the future, and hope to see you in other reactions.


Your answers will come if you keep at it. That being said, if these Titan things only purpose in life seems to be eating you, wouldn't you try to learn how to fight back, no matter how hopeless it seemed?


I'm not surprised at all they hated it. They like black and white series, and this isn't one of them.

Karlton Leroy Dude

Oh man. I was looking forward to your reactions. Maybe you can at least do a discussion for the 3 episodes.


I was really enjoying your reactions, but I understand why you'd drop the show even without losing 3 episodes of reactions. Your Expanse reactions are fantastic, and look forward to what you'll react to next!


Imo The sub is king for me (also depending where you watch it the translation is different) I’ve watch both and the dub isn’t as bad as ppl say. Levi, Erwin, Jean, Reiner and Annie are all good but the thing I can’t get past is eren and his titan voice.


Grow a spine Nerdy. Be a professional. Having said that… Despite disagreeing with many takes, I have enjoyed watching and I wish you two success.


Oh for sure, but I feel like the Death Note is still more centered around different character conflicts/motivation which I feel like they'd enjoy a lot. Like it seems like they weren't hugely impressed by AoT's action/fight scenes (even though I love them) but more the politics or character interactions in the story.


This 100%. I would much rather scream about what I love, and let the people who love AoT have their space.

Anna Kyruin

Ill miss watching your reactions to this series, i totally understand the choice given the loss of footage. I will still be around though for the expanse and hopefully future series. Very sad to see how toxic "fans" can be, just utterly dissappointed in some parts of humanity rn.

Ron C

At the end of the day you do what's best for you. I am a tad frustrated because I pledged especially for AOT a few days ago, but hey let's just say I did my no-counterpart good deed for this shot :) (and since I loved the Expanse why not enjoying the ride again with you !) Cheers

Andrew Chan


MBH 77

Sorry to hear that. Looking back, some of my comments were a bit harsh. Good luck with rest of the stuff on your channel.


@ Kristof MolnarMost of their critiques were shallow and ridiculous with no serious foundation, but they were funny to listen to. I kept watching them for their perspective. It isn't often I meet people who are so obsessed with RL comparisons.


@Kristof Molnar Fuck that. The dub for this is great, and you can't convince me otherwise.

Frank Decker

This was a good move. You guys weren't enjoying it.


Well damn , 19,20 & 21 was the best parts 🥲🥲 I was waiting for this 🥲 Welp okay then


I feel like this is my fault , I did comment some other reactors in one of the aot post 😪😪 but I deleted those comments cuz I realized I was wrong


Damn really unfortunate to hear that. Sad that it had to end like this. If anything it should reiterated that you both didn't deserve any of the insane treatment/threats that you got through reacting to this show. Seriously, y'all were just being yourselves and that was why I subscribed to the Patreon. Hope one day you can revisit AOT without all the negative energy that's currently attached to it, like outside the channel and just to watch it lol. Hope the next show runs smoothly! With you both the best!


I feel nerdy would try and call the plans silly , or say certain characaters are idiots , claim some of Ls guesses are too op, clarus would get mad how to certain point of how they depict misas character, but it is a lot more character focused so maybe

Manifique Tae

its not bad but u gotta used to it. it doest matter where u watch first its gonna be good, some may have less emotion for what plp were saying but in politics the dub make sense. in comparable the other better than the other VA it doest matter


Consider watching Vinland Saga. The themes are the opposite of Attack on Titan and it's one of the most historically accurate depictions of Vikings in all of media. It's one of the holy trinity of Seinen manga and the second season just wrapped up.


agreed Vindland Saga would be a could cleanser and you wont get about bunch of maniacs as fans coming in


i think they just hated people like you telling them all the time what to think or feel

Manifique Tae

not continuing and move on to 4x20? instead or i mean ig there's haters they might as well watch it on their time if they could.


i dont really care i you skip to 4x20.. i disagree many things, but i dont hate it.. there are many haters, that's happen when the show is popular..


Maybe I should elaborate a bit. What I didn’t like is how you had a group of kids training to kill titians, who aren’t aware of the violence that titians can do. If you live in a walled city beset by titians you will know what they can do. Much like kids in war torn countries know how to run and hide when shootings start, or have seen the distraction it causes. So when they face the first Titians it doesn’t make sense to me that half of them have mental breakdowns from seeing them. And there is no senior leadership to help them through the first couple of attacks. It didn’t resonate with me like some other shows have.

Minerva Ravenclaw

@michael Riggs let them give Vinland Saga the same treatment they gave AOT and let us remind each other about those "maniacs as fans". Cheers.


They have the freedom to react, you have the freedom to not like what they're offering.


Don’t bring their hopes up, this is exactly how people spoke when they were referring attack on Titan to them and they still found flaws

Mitchell Edward Newton

Too bad you guys couldn't keep going. As far as spots to leave off at, this is a bad one. I get it though, if you don't jive with the show you don't jive with it. Not gonna get into what was valid or wasn't but I know the heat you guys took was not warranted and probably didn't help you wanting to continue the show. I think you should start Vinland Saga. It's a great show but also on a smaller scale than AoT. The second season was phenomenal. As fellow WoT readers we love a good character arc and there is a great one in Vinland Saga.

Fernando Gomez

I would love if you just kept going at 4x20. These are some of the most anticipated episodes. I would just maybe have a discussion of 4x17-4x19 so we know what you thought of it. You’re so close! Hopefully you guys keep it going. I’m going to have to un sub of Patreon if you don’t, as it was my only reason for joining. Hope there’s another update soon! Appreciate you guys

dontrell Durant

Technically nothing is lost on your computer. There are programs that recover lost or corrupted data. I think it called petition backup... I think. I used it a few years ago to get data back on my flash drive.

dontrell Durant

I agree. They would like the first 4 episodes but then they'd hate everything about it.... I think they'd love Pokemon though.


NP s4 is not even the half of wit's studio great animation