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Sync up cause the politics are getting juicy!



Xavier Whitt

If ur spoiling the show and sending threats ur a loser, simple.

Minerva Ravenclaw

We can see that nerdy is really invested and it's been a treat for us. Sorry Clarus that you're not enjoying but I'm glad that you chose to continue ✨


excited for the next episodes!

Minerva Ravenclaw

I personally don't find Pieck sneaking inside Paradis something far fetched, after all she and Reiner been there before so she probably knows her way.

Hunter Cronin

It also doesn't hurt that Paridi is basically going through a civil war, a huge part of their military just defected, nobody can trust any of the soldiers around them and Eren just broke out of jail. The fact that one person (who happens to be the most mobile and discreet titan) snuck into the nation.

Paris Hardy

When they say “Test Run” of the Rumbling they literally mean that. Based on what they know about the founding titan, they believe it’s possible to control/pilot a small number of the colossals within the walls, and demonstrate their destructive force to the world without having to enact all out war or genocide.

Paris Hardy

Clarify for me. I was under the impression they asked their discord for spoilers after season 3. Did that not happen?

Jorge Hernandez

I loved it when Pieck was just casually chillin in the background. That was so gangster. I thought that was a fun reveal. They could have showed us how they infiltrated but I would rather have that moment of reveal.


The switching back and forth between sub and dub I definitely understand because they voice actors have different styles for the same characters. There’s specific scenes in season 4 that are gonna happen that the sub voice actors just KILL, but I definitely recommend watching it back in dub to fill in some small gaps that may have been missed due to either not catching a sub, or just translation issue. I honestly think AOT is the best anime of all, but I can understand it’s not for anyone. That doesn’t take away from how great the show is. There’s so many movies that are so highly acclaimed that I may not get why, but it may just not be for me. Also, the ending isn’t as simple as what has been spoiled. There’s more to it that leads up to it. I’m glad y’all are sticking along for the ride

Misty Antonio

no, there are some moments in the show that sincerely make me go “huh” sometimes but the whole overarching story and the writing allow me to overlook a few hiccups. and i’ve been watching as a bit of a social experiment at this point but i do appreciate the turn around in season 4. it doesn’t have to be your favorite thing but from the moment you started saying “interesting…” i was hoping you could at least understand the love behind it cause it really is a nice story.

Paris Hardy

Same here as far as the social experiment part. As much as they have their issues, and their issues with the show, the over-arching quality of the narrative cannot be denied. While season 4 is an outstanding season on its own, it doesn’t reach these heights without what came before.


She’s so cringe now .. the faces she makes bruh 🤣🤣


Because this is the least horny anime thats why is the best for me :D Btw there is more pyxis moments like this in the show, but most of them you don't really see and in the future you are just told that they happened.

Manifique Tae

Dub on politics stuff something like those make sense but sub on action for sure is up there.

Kira W.

I think part of the ''problem'' is that you are just so media literate that you assume you know every storytelling device, and you tend to focus on a few small things the show doesnt do that great, but those things imo don't matter to the overall story. When people say everything is explained, they don't mean the intricacies of the magic system or the logistics of things, they mean the overall cohesiveness of the storytelling, themes, character interactions. Those are top notch in this show and vastly overshadow some of the small details that don't make that much sense or are exectuted suboptimally, in my opinion. Also intersting that Clarus lost investment in the characters. I really enjoyed seeing the transformation that they went through over all these years. They have grown like real human beings. Some for the better, some for worse. Edit: Sorry, this comment is kinda poorly written but I think I got my point across.

L8er Bìtch

This exactly what I've been saying from the beginning, their experience of the show has been tainted by the community, from the first days of the Erwin Wars 🤣, (which btw most of Nerdy's opinions and complaints were valid), I really hate the AoT community, for a show as great as it is, it has the worst fandom I've ever seen.

MBH 77

Remember Pieck and Reiner have been to Paradis before and sort of know the ins and outs. Plus they're warriors, espionage is part of their training so it doesn't surprise me too much. Plus as you can see the military have their hands full right now with a potential uprising and likely didn't expect Marley to attack right away.


„ which btw most of Nerdy's opinions and complaints were valid“ No. They‘re not.


Its not the entire AoT community. Millions of people watched the show and are fans. You really think everyone who is a fan watched these videos and hated/ spoil them? No obviously because in every fandom there is toxic people. Blanket statements like that will cause others to hate too since they’re a part of the “the AoT community” and by not specifically calling out the toxic corners and lumping everyone into a group is offensive to anyone in any group.


For trying to battle toxicity Making blanket statements like you just did is toxic ,secondly , Erwin wars at the steamed from their disagreement from what degree of military technicality to expect and respect from the show. Nerdy tried to approach the medium different than of how your supposed to.

L8er Bìtch

I'm making a blanketed statement backed by proof, the AoT community is one of the most toxic fanbases in all of Anime, with that being said, that isn't to say that everyone in the fandom is like that, obviously there are people who are not like that and are open to discussion, as for the takes Nerdy has on Erwin, I do not agree with them, but they are valid, something beign valid doesn't necessarily mean I agree with it, or that is the only way of looking at it, it's important to differentiate between an immovable fact and ones that are subject to opinion, his takes on Erwin's strategies are subject to opinion because the strategies of Erwin weren't the only ones open, and his strategies were borderline brutalistic, (not saying I could come up with something better), his first take on Erwin (that Erwin should be court-martialed after the female titan encounter) was valid, based on the fact that not only did Erwin fail, he also lost a great number of troops and almost lost the very "super weapon" he was entrusted with, and in the process gained no tangible information either (you and I know he did, but Nerdy didn't at the time) and his argument ofc later backed by Erwin actually getting court-martialed (ofc you and I knew that the military police and Monarchy had ulterior motives for taking this action) But regardless people got down his throat for having these very legitimate takes only for him to proven right BY THE SHOW ITSELF, and ofc this is (imo) where the distrust for the show started for them.

Quark's Bar

I have been waiting since s4e1 for the inevitable high-praise deep-dive analysis of the opening credits for this arc. What an ear worm. Thanks for scratching that itch, Nerdy.

Quark's Bar

I don't think that's what they were doing. I think they assumed that the more positive or more passive viewers would know who they were. That being said, it's an interesting look at how expectations affect an overall experience of something. The Red Wedding is less impacting for the viewer when you have 10 million people telling them "just wait for season 3 episode 9, baby, it's gonna be craaaazy"

L8er Bìtch

I mean tbf, the AoT community literally has a reputation for being extremely toxic, and if you and I and many more aren't toxic, there's A LOT who are, so personally I don't think there's a need to be offended by that statement unless you are apart of the toxic group, which you aren't.


the ending is good btw a lot of fans are excited for the manga ending. The idea that everyone wants a different ending is a whiny silent majority.


It sucks when the loudly toxic corners of a fandom ruin it for everyone else. But the overwhelming amount of vitriol they've had spewed at them from the AoT fandom is more than enough to overshadow the fact that not ALL fans in the AoT fandom are toxic. It doesn't have to be all of the fans for a fandom to be deemed toxic; just enough that the non-toxic fans are overshadowed. But when most of your interactions with a fandom are negative, that's what the consensus is going to be. I mean, people in the AoT fandom keep coming into the book club streams and talking about how terrible N&C are for their take on the show. smh


I think the idea of the test rumbling is that it would only attack the gathering global allied forces. Of course there would be (a lot) of casualties, but I think that's the idea. The rumbling would be the annihilation of everyone outside the island, but a test rumbling would only target the allied military forces.

Mitchell Edward Newton

Hate breeds hate. The show is about how both sides repeat the same mistakes to create this awful situation. Also yeah, Yelena is full on dick riding for the cult of Zeke. Test rumbling is basically dealing with whatever counterattack comes so they can get to a negotiating stage. Marley is going to respond at some point so the rumbling is really the only response with their technological disadvantage. On a rewatch, you'll realize it always was in some ways. Reiner and company, the whole situation has a whole new context where titan stuff and marley stuff were actually one in the same. Character being good is always how a show thrives though, like how it makes the Expanse so good how they all act like adults or the WOT show where none of them have conflict resolution skills. The first three seasons are basically a build up from the faceless zombie like enemy that is black and white to a morally grey show where no one is in the right anymore. For stuff like Pieck, its tough to convey a lot of time passing and it's not a strong point of the show. I don't think it's as egregious as you, but I understand why it irks you. The show makes it feel like all this has happened in like a day and a half.

Minerva Ravenclaw

I agree with Nerdy, even in the show it has been mentioned several times ,that Erwin is a gambler and his plans lead to humans casualties, there are memes about this... That Being said, Erwin had no other choice but to move forward with his plans because first the scouts were in the dark since season one, they know nothing. Second, they don't have the time to plan perfect strategies. So within the time given these are the best plans one can think of. Nerdy did not see or understand that or ignored it, due to the fans comments I don't know,whereas at that time Clarus understood it clearly


Right, and it thematically concluded all of the narrative threads perfectly. People are just mad it didn’t go how they wanted it to go. Of course I don’t think it’s perfect, but it’s beautiful and overall good.

Karlton Leroy Dude

I really enjoy your reaction and discussion. I think one of you mentioned that you were glad the voice actor's stayed the same in season 4, as you may have been confused on who is who due to the art style change. Well, in Season 4's english dub they changed the voice actress for Sasha. So if you had watched the dub, it might have thrown you off. But oh well. Hope everyone has a great day.

MBH 77

I disagree I’d say it’s 50/50 split with the ending. It’s quieter now because it’s been 2 years and people have moved on and accepted it. But when the ending first dropped I’d say 80% of the fandom didn’t like the ending. I myself didn’t like the ending. It’s not about “it wasn’t the way people wanted it go”. It’s just what happened didn’t make any sense and contradicted many themes in the story established previously.


I personally think generalizing a group of people is also toxic and wrong example from the show “all eldians are devils” also It’s still a relatively small group compared to the group as a whole and the bigger the fandom the bigger the toxic corners are. They are the only ones I’ve seen get this kind of kick back because they were also so critical and wrote off other peoples perspectives as “stupid”. I went to the discord there was toxicity on both sides. That being said it’s not right for either side and especially not right for people to spoil them on it.


@l8r I really doubt you have any statistical proof, And repating your anecdote is not it, What I do agree I think the fandom has a few share of topics that they are divided on but most of which they haven't even got into so that's irrelevant, I disagree that it's one of the most toxic. I have been to many reactions and I really don't see toxicity mostly just this one. Also Given how you phrase your comments I won't replying for comment wars l cuz I don't see a reasonable discussion .The show isn't as degenerate as other anime hence has a more broad fandom, with most non anime watchers.the show has obv yeargerists etc but that is truly not representative of the entire fandom. Also presuming that conclusion still would not mean that they is not to blame for their dynamic, be careful what the deem unjust hate and what to just deem quantitative disagreement. Much reason why they get hate is cause they dont seemfully come across as considerate to the new medium he's exploring and his audience he just has the agenda of pushing out negative opinions irrespective of the medium norms and misrepresenting ,mischarectarising and dismissing, glossing over events,and acts patronizing(see his gigguk reaction) among other behavior the comments for seasons. Also lots of the comments are correcting lack of carefulness when making bold statements and then publishing and pupolarising this fake news ad populum is pretty much it .For whatever motives probably to make the anime look bad. At some point in s1 I mostly muted the video whenever N tried to critic the strategies used same with s3 p2, because frankly I simply see it as trying to approach a medium in a way it was never designed to primarily adhere to. The degree more technicality you say isayama could have added more is debatable but to me it seems like enough at it while still making the impact which is the primary purpose. It's been a long time since I watched s1 but I think trying to critique erwins strategies in s1 comes down to how technical you want the battle shonen to be ,which are primarily focused 90% on emotion and the visual spectacle ,adding anymore technicality than isayama did could deter from the hype that bs were known for especially back in 2013 s1.its watchers don't primarily watch to see how technically extensive the plans are and give characters praise on that basis but rather on how it's executed while also promoting hype emotions. Part of the original appeal of battle shonen anime (mostly pertinent to s1 but also to season 4 to lower the degrees) is that you don't have to think when watching it. Is it true that Erwin's plans got people killed yes? Does that make him a bad Commander or an idiot or evil? Debatable sense we have to consider the parameters both within the world and within the genre. Parameters is how much are the scouts willing to risk if they don't succeed in their missions and get information. It's important to remember that these "flaws" in military prowess are often deliberate narrative choices, meant to highlight the characters' humanity, limitations, and the chaotic nature of warfare. They contribute to the overall suspense and drama. Also Erwins not liked because his gambles work,, they don't because of understandable lack of info ,+ the action quotas needing to be met in s1,discussion of planning aside what matters is if they are convincing to the most audience(because most of the audience is not military strategists) and that is what matters in making impact. But also being done in a narratively near realistic way that they don't workHe is liked because he has the stomach to make such plans, with such sacrifices in order to make progress and the chasirma/ hype to make them be executed , he is not the most academic ,he is not the strongest, he is considered a devil in a way because he's the only one who goes to such lengths to try to get humanity even just a bit forward, even with an underlying complexity to his character in that he's doing this for selfish reasons So he's not just a all-around static Noble Commander. But he's intentionally controversial although admittingly empathasizable. .

L8er Bìtch

And I 100% agree with everything you said about Erwin, but people got mad at N for even questioning Erwin's competency, and remember I said N's view point is valid, I didn't say I agree with it, and you yourself said, Erwin is intentionally designed to be controversial, but a lot of people don't see that, and hence they started attacking Nerdy, and the Nerdy was proven right by the show itself, and this is (imo) is where the negative feedback loop started for them, I remember watching those episodes, hearing his takes and thinking "this is really interesting" but I didn't straight up go, wtf, how can he say this about ERWIN! (Erwin still one of the 🐐) And my statements about the community are not backed by statistics, there is literally no way to do that, but it comes from personal experience, hearing the very same thing from many others as well, I won't get into the topics cos most of them are spoilers, but in almost every video or thread that discusses disagreed upon topics, there is always a running trend of straight dismissal for the opposing side, some times even ignoring context of to push their agendas, one very good topic to find this extreme toxicity is the Character of Mikasa, to which I am yet to see a civilized discussion of (you can go do your own research) With all that said, it is by no means a representation of the entire community, since most people who aren't toxic are usually never very vocal, hence making even a minority of toxic people look bigger than they are.


I don't think people understood Erens character until months later and they realized somethings. Also the latest ep cleared up a few things. I do think it fits the themes of the story I do have a few nuanced nitpicks tho.


Lmao this is just not true. It made plenty of sense and to say it “contradicted many themes” is so silly. the message is consistent the entire way through, including the ending. That is just a bad critique. If your critique is that the dialogue was clunky, they needed to spend more time on certain plot points, or that it could’ve used another chapter or 2, I would absolutely agree. As I said, the ending is not perfect. But to say that it is not thematically consistent is just wrong. Also, saying 80% of the community didn’t like the ending is on release is silly. I would say it was closer to 50/50 liked it and now 70/30 like it. There is just very loud minority on the internet that wanted a certain thing. Basically everyone I’ve talked to irl at a bar or something has said they liked it or thought it was fine. The internet is not a real place. Most people don’t cry on social media when they don’t like something, they just continue going about their life.

MBH 77

You’re right it’s probably the loud minority on the internet. But I’m still going to have to disagree with you on your other points. If the ending really made complete sense then you wouldn’t get such a large part of the fandom hating it. I think there are a lot of contradictions and inconsistencies. I can’t say much as I don’t want to spoil. Eren reasonings and motivations are extremely confusing now. He almost lacks agency. Characters getting ridiculous plot armour. Forced Parallels and themes thrown in the last minute. Many questions left unanswered for me. And yes you’re right it could do with a couple more chapters. The manga ending was very rushed, if they flesh it out, it would be a lot better. How is it a bad critique?, I gave reasons why I didn’t like it. It’s not like I said “It’s the trash, the worst ending ever” it’s just doesn’t do it for me. I still love Attack on Titan, the series just deserved a better ending imo. If you like the ending then great.


You honestly seem reasonable and I imagine we could have fair discourse about a lot of your disagreements. I’m sure you would have some valid complaints, even if I disagree vehemently. I think that the themes that Isayama tried to portray are very consistent and the only contradictions that exist are intended for story purposes, which I think are executed well. Obviously I’m not going to get into specifics bc I don’t want to talk about spoilers. One thing that I think you are just flat wrong about however is Eren’s motivations and overall portrayal is INCREDIBLE. Truly some of the best character writing of all time. Easily my favorite character ever written, and the last chapter absolutely is a big reason why his character is so amazing. I truly urge you to reread AOT trying to understand Eren’s character more or watch some video essays on his depiction. I liked Eren when the final chapter came out, but after rereading AOT and truly coming to understand him he is just amazing. I enjoy his character so much that it’s a shame to me that others can’t as well.

MBH 77

That’s fair. I can see people’s point of view as to why they would like the ending and that’s fine. With Eren’s character, I have watched video essays defending his character and there are some points I agree with I won’t lie, but still somethings I disagree with. Isayama did say he wasn’t able to convey the chapter in the way he wanted to. So if the anime executes the characters portrayal better than the chapter did, then maybe I’ll be able to see if my stance changes though I doubt it.

Zekrom XI

The main issue with you guys is that you are really quick to judge and criticize the writing of the show before waiting for an explanation for it. You act all arrogant-like. Then later when you get said explanation, you never acknowledge how wrong you were. Instead, you just try to tip toe around it. Why is it SO HARD for you people to just enjoy the show…? Why do you keep actively trying your hardest to talk negatively about stuff when you have a lack of understanding and lack of memory of past events? It makes no sense to me. Then you wanna act surprised that we think you hate the show… ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Y’all should seriously watch your own reactions once you’ve finished the show to see how foolish you are.

MBH 77

I don’t think they have much faith in the Author. When they see that something is unexplained or doesn’t make sense, they don’t really trust that the author is competent enough to solve that problem in the next episodes. So when they see a flaw they don’t try to make sense of it or try and see the authors intentions. They immediately criticise the authors decision.

david ammerman

Maybe if you guys stopped being little shits they'd enjoy the show more and be more immersed. I love AoT more than any other piece of media but most of you are being actual assholes and are probably ruining the experience for them even more

david ammerman

Guarantee the reason Clairus isn't as interested is literally because of all the hate comments

david ammerman

Great reaction can't wait for the next 👍


Yeah I think that the anime adaptation is going to need to nail it. Hopefully it gives the ending chapter a little more time to breath than the manga. Regardless I love it. I understand why some people wouldn’t though even if I do love it.


No worry Nrdly... re-watch is way better..


I get it now.. form the begining the plan is to do a "small rumble".. just wake up a cuple of wall titans.. to show power or to beat Marleys army.. If you missed that detail, or have the wrong sub, it`s easy to miss


Come on Nerdy.. you don`t undestand how a spy, or an ilegal inmigrant enters any country?? That never happened in the real word? Is it THAT important anyway? I still love the reactions, and you give us a lot to talk about. We just dissagree on yur focus on details. There are only so much you need to show on screen in every show, you can`t stream every minute of every characters life.

Jayshawn Robinson

this is a big reason why I like this reactor called aliciaxlife, she puts faith in the author to eventually explain things and doesn't get caught up on things too early


Come on Nerdy, give the people what they want! :)


When I get the youtube upload notification, time seems to slow by at least double waiting for the patreon upload lol. I wish they came out at the same time


I won't say things beyond , but I do feel you care way too much about "certain" technical things that the show doesn't need to emphasize on because it knows most of the audiences wouldn't have cared either or give it faith it may explain later , My opinion is that I don't think it would be diff for someone as crafty&smart as pieck to outwit some lower level paradis soldiers and security. That is way more open island than Marley. which is pretty fortified. This is something many anime do. Anime is a lot about emotion but your thinking technically about things that your not supposed to/ don't matter/ or aren't explained yet. Having pieck linearly seen all the way there would also considerably slow down the ep I'm glad they just chose to skip it , would waste important drawing time ,this isn't a live action where you can create 40+ min eps with live actors to do recuts and I wouldn't have cared. I personally found it believable she would be smart enough to. Considering how many people disagree with your approach to details for this show maybe it's time to reevaluate that.