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Sync up for Suit V Suit Action?!?



Brandon Duckett

I literally just finished the last episode, glanced down at my phone and saw the notification for this one. XD Yay 2 episodes a week! <3


😨*anime gasps * does that mean we getting a double drop for AOT too ?😱 Please let it be today 🙏


you should watch vinland saga, you will like it

Vincent G

I think the reason Ed was caught off guard by slicer being able to move without a head was that fact that the blood seal was drawn on the helmet as opposed to the body. I could be wrong but that’s how I rationalize it.

Daniel S

the blood seal on Alphonse is on his body not his head, so he can moving his body without the head, but this guy had the seal on his head, so he wouldnt be able to move his body if his head is seperated

Ancient Hydra

So I wouldn't call this spoilers as it's just geography of the the country Amestris (delete if needed). To my recollection this series (and maybe even the 2003 anime) never really show you a MAP of the world. This is just to hopefully help understand where some characters are from and where they are now. . . . To my memory, it's shaped like a rough circle (about the size of France) and has 5 major regions. North Area, East Area, South Area, West Area, and Central Area. Each region's capital is named for it's region such as "East City" (totally original naming system, I know). Central City is the area's AND nation's capital. (this isn't a USA/Washington D.C. kind of system) Ed and Al are from Resembool, a small town just south of East City not too far from where Ishval is. Colonel Mustang is stationed in East City currently, that's partly how he was able to discover Ed and Al. Lior (the city with Father Cornello) is in the northern region of the East Area. So far almost everything we've seen or spoken of is Central City and various East Area locations.